Till the End of Time
Little did Ramoné Peck and David Harris know that an encounter at The Deck in May of 2013, formerly located on 14 Trafalgar Rd, would turn into a life-changing event, setting the stage for a beautiful love story. The stars aligned when a friend of Ramoné’s introduced her to one of David’s closest companions Robert Armstrong, who assumed the role of Cupid and connected Ramoné and David — the chemistry between them was immediately palpable. “We instantly hit it off and danced the night away to what would soon become the first [song] in the compilation of our playlist,” Ramoné told Tuesday Style Vows (TSV).
Ramoné was drawn to David’s intellect and he to her beauty and maturity. They both decided, however, to take their time in getting to know each other. It proved a smart move for, as time passed, their bond grew stronger.
David, who had (to the amusement of Ramoné) long declared his intention of making her fall in love with him, made his feelings absolutely clear on Valentine’s Day 2014. “I found Ramoné easy to love,” shared David. “I saw David as the perfect gentleman who manages to give me butterflies to this day,” revealed a blushing Ramoné.
“Throughout the years, our love has only deepened, and we share a profound connection through our mutual passion for music and devotion to God,” Ramoné tells TSV.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
On April 9, 2023, right after attending church, David whisked Ramoné away to Broken Plate restaurant for brunch. As they indulged in dessert, the staff, who were in on David’s ruse, played the couple’s favourite song, Till The End Of Time by American R&B band Starpoint.
A waiter then arrived with a slice of cake with the words, “Will you Marry Me?” written across the plate. “I couldn’t believe my eyes, and my heart skipped a beat,” said Ramoné.
With emotions soaring, David got down on one knee, his heart pounding as he asked the most important question of his life, “Will you marry me?” An overwhelmed Ramoné could hardly contain her happiness as she responded “Yes!”
“I Do”
Two months later, there she was, making her way up the aisle of the UWI Mona Chapel to none other than their favourite song, Till The End Of Time by Starpoint, on the arm of dad Michael Peck.
The Timeless Elegance theme was accentuated by floral hues of purple, gold, and black décor added by Sanya McHugh, principal of Fanciful Décor.
Ramoné made a beautiful bride in a white mermaid gown with lace appliqué and birdcage veil from Petals and Promises. Her bouquet of roses, spiders, carnations, and baby’s breath finished the look.
The service was officiated by Reverend Dr Robert Barr and included the exchange of vows and a musical interlude of Fred Hammond’s Face it All, sung by Adé Brown, during the signing of the register.
The Reception
Vows sealed with a kiss, the bridal party recessed to the lyrics of Romain Virgo’s In This Together and Best of My Love by The Emotions.
The reception that followed thereafter at Roun’ Suh, 2A Strathairn Avenue, was described as intimate and heartwarming by the newly-weds. Master of Ceremonies Dr Paul Golding, with his easy banter, kept guests engaged throughout the proceedings.
The bridal party danced their way in to Kool & The Gang’s Celebration, followed by the newly-weds who selected Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop The Feeling for their grand entrance. Family and friends relished the sumptuous fare catered by the food and beverage team at Roun’ Suh. Dinner was followed by toasts from the wedding party, among other guests, and the unveiling and cutting of the three-tiered wedding cake.
The newly-weds opened the dance floor to We Both Deserve Each Other’s Love by LTD.
Mr and Mrs David Harris departed soon after for their honeymoon at Couples Sans Souci, Ocho Rios.