Sandals boost continues for Flanker Primary PEP classes
MONTEGO BAY, St James — After a partnership which saw an improved performance in the Flanker Primary and Infant School Primary Exit Profile (PEP) results, the two Sandals resorts in the Montego Bay region — Sandals Montego Bay and Sandals Royal Caribbean — have again thrown their combined weight behind the school’s Saturday classes initiative.
“We are delighted to be able to once again assist in providing lunches for the students attending the new PEP Saturday classes so they have a proper nutrition programme as they prepare for the exams,” said Dawn Smith, general manager of Sandals Royal Caribbean. “This is an initiative we started last year and it reaped good results. We are fully onboard in its continuation.”
Christopher Elliott, the man at the helm of the group’s flagship resort, Sandals Montego Bay, pointed out that, “We are proud to continue to play our part in this wonderful initiative by the school to not only improve the PEP performances, but to also help the students transition into high schools and become men and women whom Jamaica can be proud of.”
Both general managers pointed to the close relationship between their hotels and the neighbouring school which is attended by children of some of their team members. They are indeed proud of the improved performance of the students.
Managers and team members from the resorts will also be restarting a mentorship programme launched before the pandemic, and will be having special sessions with grades five and six students who are sitting the PEP examinations in 2023.
As part of the programme, the mentors shared life experiences, staged role plays and generally sought to build the self-esteem of the students, as well as heighten their confidence before and after the much-anticipated exams.
The mentorship session will take place once per month.
“Our team here at Sandals was very receptive to the idea of mentoring students from Flanker Primary and Infant School,” said Ian Spencer, the company’s regional public relations manager for Montego Bay. “We decided to provide support for students sitting PEP exams as we understand the level of anxiety associated with those exams,” added Spencer, who spearheads the programme.
Spencer pointed out that his team members were cognisant of the fact that with the educational system facing a number of challenges, students were in need of role models and guidance. “We understand what these kids are going through as we have all been there. This is really a labour of love and one we are very happy to perform,” Spencer said.
Further, the Sandals regional PR manager was full of praise for the efforts of Flanker Primary Principal Collette Barnes, whom he described as doing an amazing job and lauded her efforts in getting the Saturday classes off the ground.
“The principal has been in touch with us and has sought our assistance in providing meals for the PEP Saturday classes, and as good corporate citizens we are happy to partner,” Spencer said.
Principal Barnes also praised the efforts of the Sandals team in coming to the assistance of the school. She added that she looks forward to a long-term working relationship.