Noted author Hazel Campbell is dead
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Noted short story writer and children’s book author, Hazel Campbell passed away this morning at the University Hospital of the West Indies, following a brief illness. She was 78 years old.
During the course of her professional life, Campbell taught at Ardenne High School and worked at the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) where she was a feature writer and editor. She also worked at the Creative Production and Training Centre (CPTC) where she managed several video productions.
Since 1987 she has been as a freelance book editor and consultant.
Her first publication was “The Rag Doll & Other Stories”, followed by “Women’s Tongue” a collection of eight short stories, and “Singerman”.
Campbell also wrote three short stories on the environment entitled “Juice Box and Scandal” as a statement on the proliferation of the use of plastic bags commonly called “Scandal Bags”. Those stories were originally published in 2005.
Her greatest joy however, were her children’s stories and she penned several books for the young and the young at heart, including “Tillie Bummie and other Stories”, “Ramgoat Dashalong” and “My Three Moms”, among others.
Campbell, a fierce advocate for Caribbean authors, was also affiliated with several local publishing companies including Carlong Publishers, LMH Publishing and Peepal Tree Press.