Businessman man fined $100,000 for out-of-season lobster
ST JAMES, Jamaica – A St James businessman found himself $100,000 poorer on Wednesday after a quantity of lobster was discovered in his restaurant outside of the prescribed fishing season.
Jordan Bingham pleaded guilty with explanation to the charge of possession of lobster during the closed season when he appeared before the St James Parish Court.
Bingham was arrested on June 8 after authorities discovered a quantity of lobster at his Rose Hall, St James restaurant. The weight was not disclosed to the court.
In mitigation, Miguel’s lawyer, Jermaine Campbell said his client had the lobster before the close season, but was unaware that he could have the date of the lobster recorded with the appropriate authorities.
“I know these matters carry a particular fine, but I’m craving the court’s leniency in respect of Mr Bingham,” the lawyer said, adding that he did not waste the court’s time.
Presiding judge, Sasha-Marie Smith-Ashley, considered Bingham’s early guilty plea and the explanation provided by his attorney when passing sentence.
“You are fined $100,000 or 10 days sir,” the judge then told Bingham before allowing him to leave the courtroom.
Under Jamaican law, the closed season for lobster fishing runs from April 1 to June 30 each year. During the closed season, lobster fishing is not permitted, and it is illegal to even keep live lobsters in any holding device. Lobsters that are unintentionally caught in the fishing gear must be released straight away. Offenders may be fined up to $3 million or imprisoned for up to two years, a penalty that went into effect in 2017.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, anyone who intends to store or sell spiny lobster or its parts or products during the closed season must submit a signed declaration to the Licencing Authority by March 31. Following a fishery inspector’s visit to the storage site, a certificate of storage will be issued.
Spiny lobsters in storage between April 1 and 21, which have been declared to the licensing authority may be sold, exported or processed within these 21 days. However, after April 21, it will be illegal for anyone to have any species of spiny lobsters/spiny lobster parts or products in their possession. It makes no difference whether the lobster is fresh, frozen, or otherwise.