The mom in me
Respected singer and lyricist Tanya Stephens said she experienced some challenging times while raising her daughter single-handedly.
Her daughter, Kelly Shane Stephenson, who is now in her 20s, is currently pursuing a career in music.
“It did rough. I had Kelly when I was 21 years old. I have to give thanks for family, because I had no clue what I was doing [motherhood]. I couldn’t physically manage by myself. The universe gave me the baby that fit me,” Stephenson shared in an interview with the Jamaica Observer on Thursday.
“Balancing motherhood and work were challenging, but I got help from my mother and a couple of my siblings,” she disclosed.
“As a baby, she was very good, very easy. She wasn’t fussy. Me carry her go studio at Penthouse when it was on Slipe Road and to Shocking Vibes. Beenie Man used to hold her while me a voice song, when she was a baby.”
Tanya Stephens, known for a string of hits including These Streets, Big Things a Gwaan, Handle Di Ride, Freaky Type, Yuh Nuh Ready Fi Dis Yet and Little White Lie, carved out a distinguished career in music while juggling motherhood.
Said Tanya Stephens: “Becoming a mother a di biggest achievement of my life, and mi mean dat. Giving birth changes you in every way. It changed me biologically, and it actually matured me. When I had my daughter was when I opened my first bank account.”
When she learnt that she was pregnant, the the artiste had to drop a few of her habits.
“The first thing I did when I found out that I was pregnant, mi stop drink and smoke,” she revealed.
But there were certain challenges faced in raising her daughter while building her body of work.
“It was hard missing birthdays and milestones like graduations, but we tried to make up for it in the times when I was home.”
The Jamaica Reggae Industry Association (JaRIA) awardee and songwriter told the Observer that she loves the relationship he has with her daughter.
“Every phase brings a new level of friendship between us. Now she’s an adult. We actually hang out together as bredrins.”
Asked if she was able to participate in her daughter’s school activities such as parent-teachers’ association meetings and the like, the proud mother said: “I participated in school activities as much as my schedule allowed. And, if I missed a meeting, I would meet with her teachers on my downtime.”
According to the After You singer, Kelly Shane had an interest in following her musical footsteps.
“She has always been a fan of music. She came up with clever bits and pieces over the years, and she would leave videos of herself singing on my cameras, but it was during the lockdowns that she actually started singing seriously.”
Asked if she has given her daughter any advice as it relates to the music industry, Tanya Stephens said: “What she gets from me is more from observation than advice. Every artiste is unique, and so what helps one may hinder the other.”
“We have always had a pretty open relationship. We create space for us to share and discuss life and I raised her to have franchise, to be valid,” she continued.
Tanya Stephens has some advice for expectant mothers: “To every expectant mother and mothers out there wondering weh yuh ago do next: It gets better. Just focus on being the best mother to your baby. Life nuh come wid no manual. Be a good person to your child,” she concluded.