Macaulay: Women must work in a collaborative way to get into areas of power, so that all regressions stop
I hope that all women had an International Women’s Day which was satisfactorily fulfilling in every way.
The United Nations theme for the date, March 8, was “Invest in women: Accelerate progress”.
Many countries have in recent years been regressing from their agreed commitments to ensure and advance the human rights of women, to provide protection from violations of their rights, and to make reparations to women who have suffered abuses. Too many states have actually passed laws which fully contradict their signed obligations.
Women therefore must work even more avidly in a collaborative way, to get into areas of power, so that all regressions stop and there is in place a re-acceptance of the fact that women’s rights are human rights which must be adhered to, and that national laws must be clear and strong in this regard.
May the rest of this year be much more hopeful in this regard, though the large numbers of women and their children being killed in the well-known conflicts which are on-going now, do not disclose any respect for human lives and certainly not for women’s lives nor for the possibility of charges of genocide being laid at their doors. We women must act from positions of power and do better in every facet of our lives, and create acceptable environments for wholesome growth, development and life patterns.
Working together, we shall succeed!
– Margarette May Macaulay
Margarette May Macaulay is an attorney-at-law, Supreme Court mediator, notary public, and women’s and children’s rights advocate.