Mom wants weight loss tips
Dear Donovan,
I have gained a lot of weight after conceiving my two girls and I would like to lose the weight. Is there anything that can help me to lose the weight?
Unfortunately, many women are unable to get back to their regular weight after childbearing. Getting back to the regular weight would have been much easier if the weight was adjusted before pregnancy and also controlled during pregnancy. In most cases weight gain takes place during pregnancy and it would therefore be wise to lose a few pounds (15 to 30 lbs) before getting pregnant. It is also important to monitor weight gain especially in the third trimester. If these things are done it is quite possible that any extra weight after giving birth can be easily dropped with breastfeeding and eating sensibly.
I must make it clear that getting pregnant while being overweight is also not necessarily a good thing. That said, I see you are the mother of two girls and you want to lose some weight. It would have been helpful for me to know how old your girls are. In addition, it would also have been helpful to know if you had gotten back to your normal weight after your first pregnancy. Also, knowing what your current eating habits are and also if you are doing any exercises would also be important. In addition, knowing whether you are back to work or still staying at home is also important information.
That aside, the important thing is that you want to lose some weight. Firstly, what I want you to do is to make some assessments of the things that might be preventing you from losing weight. For example, are you too busy with your girls that you are not able to focus on preparing healthy meals for yourself? Also, are you eating too late at night? In addition, are you helping the kids to finish their meals by eating their leftovers and snacks? In order to lose weight you will have to make some changes. In a nutshell, your food intake/calories will have to be reduced. This will force the body to use up some of the reserved fat.
You could start off by just reducing the portions of your foods. However, you should also use the opportunity to consume more fruits, vegetables, soups, salads, etc. Also, you could reduce your intake of sweet juices, fried foods, processed carbohydrates, etc. In addition, you could also start an exercise programme. This will help you to burn extra calories and also help you reduce stress. Overall, your healthy eating and exercise has to become a lifestyle. However, with two children you will have to take some time to plan out your meals and exercise programme to get the best results.
Good luck.
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