Face mask ideas from your cupboard
THE idea of self-care at home isn’t novel; in fact, women have always sought ways to incorporate items they have at home into their beauty routines, because they can better gauge the results. By mixing and experimenting, they’re able to see what works and what doesn’t, so even if they do eventually purchase beauty supplies, they will know to buy the ones containing the ingredients that work for them.
It’s this experimenting that has led to a plethora of ideas online for how to fix this and that on your hair and skin, and they’re heavily subscribed because nothing beats actual results. It’s these that we’ve compiled for these face mask ideas below, the ingredients for which you can find in your kitchen cupboard, or your backyard.
Honey citrus mask
Want your skin to be as golden as honey? With some honey and semi-ripe oranges or lemons, that can be achieved, giving it a bright glow. You should combine at least three tablespoons of orange or lemon juice with a quarter cup of honey, then rub the mixture lightly on to your face. Leave the mixture on for about 10 minutes before rinsing.
Turmeric mask
We’ve seen an increase in the use of turmeric for quite some time, as it is known to have multiple benefits. A mixture of one teaspoon of turmeric powder or paste and one tablespoon of honey to make a smooth, orange blend is all you need. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse.
Egg mask
Whisk an egg in two parts, after separating the yolk from the whites. If you have dry skin that needs moisturising, use the yolk, but if you have oily skin, only use the egg white. You can also add a little lemon or honey. Apply the beaten egg mixture to your face, then rinse after 15 minutes.
Banana mask
Who knew that this yellow, C-shaped fruit could be used on the skin? Crush a ripe banana to make a smooth paste, then apply to your skin. After 10 to 20 minutes, rinse it off with cold water.
Oatmeal or cornmeal exfoliating mask
Combine oatmeal or cornmeal with water, or an egg, and apply it to your skin. This is great for exfoliating at the end of a long week. Add a tip of olive oil to the mix for moisturising if you wish.
At the end of the mask you’ll want to tone and moisturise. Reach for that bottle of apple cider vinegar, take a tablespoon, dilute with water, and use a cotton ball to apply all over the face. Follow up with your favourite moisturiser.