Low-carb diet not leading to weight loss
I am doing a low-carb diet, but I will lose four pounds, for example, then gain it back the next two days. I think maybe I might not be eating enough and my body is going into starvation mode. What can you suggest?
A typical way to lose weight is to reduce calories/food and force the body to use up some of its stored fat. Calories are usually reduced by lowering food intake and/or increasing exercise. The idea is that you will have to create a calorie deficit. The intake of calories/food must be less than what the body needs to stay alive and carry out all its other activities. If the intake of calories are reduced, the body will be forced to take the extra calories needed from the stored fat. This is how you lose weight.
lt should be noted that most weight loss diets work by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, for example, bread, flour, biscuits, etc. Usually, carbohydrates are the first source of energy for the body. However, when the carbohydrates are reduced, the body is now forced to use stored fat as a source of energy. A small amount of carbohydrates should be left in the diet because the brain uses carbohydrates as the main source of energy.
I see where you are doing a low carb diet and on this diet you would lose weight and then put it back on in short time. However, you did not tell me if you have a period in which you come off your diet and eat normally for a while. This could result in you putting on back the weight. If you are on a low-carb diet for a while and then go back to eating carbohydrates, the body will try to keep these extra carbohydrates which can be converted to fat.
If you wish to lose weight and continue to lose weight, your programme will have to be changed over time. This is why some people doing weight loss activities will get nutritionists to supervise their programmes. The idea is that if you cut some calories this new amount of calories will not be able to sustain the body at the same weight. So the body will be forced to lose weight. However, once the weight loss is equal to the calorie deficit, you will hit a weight loss plateau. This is why your programme will need adjusting over time.
I usually suggesting that the weight loss programme is adjusted once per week or once every two weeks. In addition, although you want to lose weight you must also be healthy, so consume more fruits, vegetables, soups, salads and vegetable juices.
You did not mention if you were doing any exercises. Exercise will help to reduce the calories as well as make you feel good.
Good luck!
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Are you struggling to lose weight or just need some advice on living a healthier life? Tell us about your health issues and we’ll have nutritionist and wellness coach Donovan Grant answer them for you. Grant has over 12 years’ experience in the fitness industry. Call him at 876-286-1363. E-mail questions to allwoman@jamaicaobserver.com.