Can I take dog blood bush for fertility?
I have been trying to get pregnant but it’s just not happening. I am 35 years old. I heard about dog blood bush. Can I take this bush?
Dog blood bush (Rivina humilis), also called pigeon berry, blood berry, baby pepper and fertility bush, is a flowering plant. It is an erect, vine-like herb with a fruit that is a glossy, bright, red berry. It is alleged that dog blood bush has proven, anti-inflammatory properties and is used to clean the Fallopian tubes. The usual recommended dosage is one cup of dog blood bush per day for at least one month, starting three days before the menstrual period is due. This is continued for seven days. The tea is consumed twice daily, once in the morning and then once in the evening. It is recommended that you avoid foods high in sugar, carbohydrates and excessive fried foods.
There have been no controlled clinical trials with the use of this herb and so you should consult your doctor before consuming the tea, especially if you have underlying medical problems.
If you have been trying to conceive without any success it is important to get a detailed physical examination and also investigations to determine if you are ovulating regularly and to determine if your Fallopian tubes are blocked. A progesterone test done 21 days from the first day of the last menstrual period is an easy and accurate way of assessing if you do ovulate. An X-ray of the Fallopian tubes called a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) can be done immediately after the menstrual period and this will outline the cavity of the uterus and Fallopian tubes and determine if they are blocked.
Inability to become pregnant may also be due to a problem with your male partner. He could also have problems with sperm production and the movement of the sperm. He should also get a complete evaluation done. This should include a semen analysis and the appropriate referral to a urologist if this is determined to be necessary.
It is important to determine the specific underlying cause of your inability to conceive instead of consuming the dog blood tea without any evaluation.
Consult your gynaecologist who will advise you further about fertility options available to you.
Dr Sharmaine Mitchell is an obstetrician and gynaecologist. Send questions via e-mail to; write to All Woman, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or fax to 876-968-2025. All responses are published. Dr Mitchell cannot provide personal responses.
The contents of this article are for informational purposes only, and must not be relied upon as an alternative to medical advice or treatment from your own doctor.