The secret to losing belly fat
What can I do, eat or drink to lose belly fat? Please and thank you.
In simple terms, belly fat refers to the fat around the abdomen. Basically there are two types of belly fat — subcutaneous and visceral. Subcutaneous fat refers to the fat that is just under the skin in the abdominal region, while visceral fat refers to the fat which lies deeper in the abdominal region and surrounds the organs.
It should be noted that everyone has some belly fat, even people with flat abs. However, too much belly fat can be detrimental to your health in ways that other fat isn’t. Belly fat, especially visceral fat, is associated with several lifestyle diseases/disorders; for example, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer, including colon cancer and breast cancer.
Several studies have shown that fat cells, particularly visceral fat cells, are biologically active and can act like an endocrine organ producing hormones and other molecules which have far-reaching effects on our body and lives.
There are many reasons why people gain belly fat — these include poor diet, lack of exercise and stress. However, genetic factors also seem to play a role in the tendency to store fat in the abdominal region. In addition, the abdominal region can also look bigger if one is constipated and has extra faeces to pass out.
Losing belly fat is mainly a matter of making lifestyle changes, especially in diet, exercise and stress management. As far as diet goes, removing sugary foods and beverages from the diet can lead to a reduction in belly fat. Extra sugar can lead to weight gain. Once you have gained weight, you will gain weight all over including the abdominal region. In addition, reducing or eliminating alcohol from the diet can also be helpful in reducing belly fat.
Some studies have shown that alcohol reduces fat burning and excess calories from alcohol can also be stored as belly fat. Also, excess alcohol can also lead to weight gain, which can increase belly fat. In addition, removing trans fat from the diet can also help in reducing belly fat.
Several studies have shown that a diet high in trans fat can cause excessive belly fat. It should also be noted that a diet high in fibre can reduce belly fat. A diet high in fibre can help to make you feel full, stabilise hunger, and reduce calorie absorption from the foods we eat. Also, a high fibre diet can also help to keep the bowel motion consistent which could help to keep the stomach down.
Drinking herbs such as aloe vera and senna can also help to keep the stomach down. In addition, doing exercise regularly will also help you to lose belly fat. Exercise can help to reduce calories which can help to keep the weight off. Exercise can also help with stress reduction. High stress can cause large amounts of the hormone cortisol to be produced. This hormone causes fat cells to be trapped in the abdominal region. Also, stress can also lead to overeating which can increase belly fat.
Overall, having a healthy lifestyle is the best way to control belly fat . Good luck.
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