Skin care from your cupboard
WHEN we think of kitchen cabinets, naturally we think of the place that most of the ingredients that are a part of some of our most delicious meals are stored.
But now, especially as the Government exhorts us to stay at home, we may have to see some of these products for more than just their contribution to a tasty meal.
One other feature of some of our most commonly used cupboard contents is the skin care benefits many of us overlook as we get reeled in by ads for overpriced creams and miracle skin formulas.
Not exactly sure where to start? Beauty therapist, Patrice Clarke, says you can try these products commonly found in your kitchen cabinets for much better skin:
You think of honey and you immediately think sticky, but luckily for you it will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. Clarke said that in general, unpasteurised honey is most recommended for use on the skin, because in this form it retains most of its natural healing properties, but processed honey is also very effective. For example, honey is a natural antibacterial and also contains probiotics. It has been found to be effective in treating skin conditions such as eczema and acne and also helps with reducing wrinkles. Honey is most often used as a mask and you may add other products that are great for the skin like turmeric or lemons if you would like. Apply the honey to your face for about 20 minutes, then rinse your face using warm water.
Turmeric, whether you decide to use it in its natural state or in the powdered form, has a number of benefits for the skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help with reducing skin abnormalities like red, blotchy skin and puffiness. It has also been found to be very effective in the treatment of acne.
Baking soda
Baking soda has been used for decades to help with reducing acne and skin discolouration and, to a certain extent, even dark patches. For best results it can be mixed with other agents to make a mask or scrub.
So, for example, you may want to use some unsweetened yoghurt or even a little olive oil in your baking soda rub.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has a lot of health benefits not just for the body, but for the skin as well. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties and naturally, because of its oil base, will moisturise the skin. Coconut oil also helps naturally with toning and tightening skin, leaving the skin feeling firm and smooth. This is often used as a moisturiser, but it can also be used overnight as a mask.
Ground coffee
Ground coffee has proven very effective in helping to remove dead skin — no wonder it is such a common ingredient in body scrubs. Outside of its great fragrance and texture, some studies suggest that the caffeine in the coffee stimulates fat degradation. As such, many people with cellulite have used it over the years to help with the appearance.
Sugar, especially brown sugar, is a good exfoliant. Sugar can be mixed with essential oils like peppermint, and coconut oil, to make a scrub.
Cornmeal works the same as sugar — except that it’s good for a face mask. Mix with coconut oil and then apply to face, leave for a few minutes, then rinse off.