I need to lose some weight
Dear Donovan,
I am a 26-year-old man who’s trying to lose excess weight gained in the past few months. I currently weigh 204 pounds. What are your suggestions, and where could I get the China Slim tea to buy?
I am very happy that you have decided to lose some weight. Being overweight, especially in the stomach area, is associated with many lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and strokes.
You have told me your weight but not your height. This would have given me an idea of how you look physically. You have also not mentioned what your current food choices are, and whether you eat a lot. In addition, you have not even mentioned if you are exercising on a regular basis.
In order to lose weight, you will have to make some lifestyle changes. Several studies have shown that in order to lose weight and maintain the weight loss, a healthy lifestyle programme is really the only way. However, in a nutshell, the way to lose weight is usually to cut back on your food intake and also to burn more calories by participating in regular exercise. Overall, in order to achieve real weight loss you will have to force your body to use up some of the reserve food.
This is what happens to most people when they are sick. In that state, the appetite falls off and less food is taken into the body. The body is then forced to use up some of the reserve food. This usually results in weight loss. However, once you are well again the appetite usually comes back and so does the weight.
In your case, I want you to lose weight but I also want you to be healthy. So your choice of food should not only reduce calories but also promote good health. At this point, I would suggest that your diet should contain more fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices, salads, soups, whole grains and small amounts of nuts and seeds. I would also suggest that you reduce or eliminate the following from your diet: sodas, sweet pastries, white flour, bread and rice, alcohol and fried foods. In addition, you must start exercising in order to shed the weight. I would also suggest that as a part of your weight loss programme you do a three to five-day detox programme with professional supervision. You could use one of the detox teas. These you can get from many of the supermarkets and health food stores. Good luck!
We will answer your weight-related questions
Are you struggling to lose weight, or just need some advice on living a healthier life? Tell us about your health issues and we’ll have nutritionist and wellness coach Donovan Grant answer them for you. Grant has over 12 years’ experience in the fitness industry and is the owner of DG’s Nutrition and Wellness Centre, 39 Lady Musgrave Road. Call him at 876-286-1363. E-mail questions to clarkep@jamaicaobserver.com.