Health benefits of black seed oil
Dear Donovan,What do you know about black seed oil, in terms of its health benefits?
Black seed, also called black caraway, black cumin, black onion seed or kalonji, is the seed of the fennel plant (Nigella sativa). This is a common plant native to south and south-west Asia. The seeds of this plant have been used for over 2,000 years for various remedies and have also been used to add flavour and colour to breads, curries and even pickles.
Black seed oil is produced by compressing and extracting the oil from the seeds of the fennel plant. Historically, black seed oil has been used for pain, for example, headaches, toothaches and arthritis. In addition, black seed oil has also been used for intestinal worms, pink eye (conjunctivitis) and abscesses.
However, in recent times, black seed oil has been used for several other purposes. It has been jokingly said that black seed oil is good for almost everything, but death. It has been shown to have antioxidants and anticancer properties. It has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, because of the anti-inflammatory properties it has. It has also been shown to act against the symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
Black seed oil has also been shown to be effective against stomach upset and can also help to relieve flatulence and stomach cramps. In addition, it has also been shown to lessen allergic reactions. It can also be used to treat acne, condition the hair, soften skin, reduce the incidence of psoriasis, and also help in wound healing.
Black seed oil has been shown to be safe and the recommended dosage is one teaspoon per day, preferably on an empty stomach. Honey can be added for taste.
I would recommend the black seed oil for its various health and beauty benefits.
Good luck.
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