Deadly blow
Pathologist says Mario Deane received blunt force impact to the head
SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Westmoreland — A retired forensic pathologist who performed a September 2, 2014 post-mortem examination on Mario Deane testified in court Tuesday that injuries observed on the right side of Deane’s face were consistent with that of being forcibly hit with a hard object or being slammed into a wall.
He also said Deane suffered from a lack of oxygen before he died.
The pathologist, who has been practising for more than 40 years, is currently in India and he testified via the Zoom virtual platform. He spent his time in Jamaica at the Cornwall Regional Hospital (CRH) in St James between 1999 and November of 2023. In keeping with earlier instructions from the judge presiding over the trial, the witness will not be named.
The pathologist told the Westmoreland Circuit Court that on the day he performed the post mortem exam notes were taken. He had a copy of the notes emailed to him from the hospital and during his testimony on Tuesday he was permitted by the court to read from his notes.
The pathologist said the post-mortem exam was carried out on a 31-year-old male of a dark brown complexion between the hours of 12:00 noon and 5:00 pm. He said the body was identified by his mother, Mercia Fraser.
The doctor said he observed bloodstains on the external section of Deane’s right ear. In addition, Deane’s lips and fingernail beds were discoloured blue and his eyes were red.
“This was caused by the lack of oxygen before he died,” stated the doctor in response to questions from the Crown.
The doctor further revealed that a few injuries were noticed on the body. Among them was an abraded cut concussion to the right ear which extended to the neck. The right ear lobule had a tiny lacerated wound of 1cm by .1cm. He said this was located 1 cm away from the right angle of the mouth.
A six-cm linear abrasion was noticed on the right cheek. There was also swelling on the right side of the face.
“This injury on the right side of his head — injury one — is consistent with a blunt force impact or impact from a blunt object which could mean that the head got struck against a wall or some severe blow or the impact from some blunt object,” explained the pathologist in response to questions from the Crown.
The doctor is expected to continue his testimony at 10:00 am on Wednesday.
Three cops — Corporal Elaine Stewart, and constables Juliana Clevon and Marlon Grant — are all charged with manslaughter, perverting the course of justice, and misconduct in a public office in connection with Deane’s death.
The allegations are that Deane was arrested for possession of a ganja spliff and placed in custody, where he was brutally beaten on August 3, 2014. He received severe injuries to his brain, which left him in a coma. He died three days later at Cornwall Regional Hospital in St James.
It is alleged that the three cops were on duty at the police station when Deane was beaten. It is further alleged that Corporal Stewart instructed that the cell in which the attack took place be cleaned before the arrival of investigators from the Independent Commission of Investigations.