Unwritten rules about dating the Jamaican man
THE term ‘unwritten rules about dating’, generally, means informal social norms that guide romantic interactions, even though they aren’t explicitly stated. These rules often stem from cultural expectations, past experiences, and societal trends, helping people navigate relationships smoothly. For example, there’s an unspoken rule about splitting the bill or at least offering to pay, depending on the dynamics of a date.
While these norms vary based on personal values and regional customs, they help set the tone for mutual understanding and respect in dating.
But then there are specific unwritten rules about dating the Jamaican man, in particular — a different kind of creature that’s totally different from anyone you may have dated before. These are the rules women say they have come to learn over the years.
Janice, 30:
You know how some people say don’t sleep with a man on the first date, because he will never respect you? Well, just know that whether you wait one night or 365 with a local man, there’s no guarantee that he will respect you, or think of you as wife material, or anything like that. Actually, the longer you make him wait for the conquest, the more merciless he will be with letting you down.
Annie, 44:
Don’t let him know that you own your own house, or have your own place, or are earning decent money. Because he will soon want to move in, then wait till some time passes to claim that he’s your common-law man.
Shaneil, 25:
Don’t share any past relationship trauma with him. Don’t share any details or your past sexual history. Don’t do anything he considers weird, even if other men in other places do it. Because he will act like it’s okay at first, then you’ll see your story on Dear Dream, with him acting shocked and asking for advice.
Lesia, 31:
Be proactive. Always look them up — use Google, LinkedIn, Tik Tok, Insta, Facebook. If you take any man at face value, you are a fool. There’s a 98 per cent probability that he’s married, has a girlfriend, or a babymother who he’s still involved with. He could also have a record, have a million kids, or is just not a decent guy. It doesn’t mater if he’s 20 or 95 —be a good detective.
Phoebe, 42:
If he doesn’t have any of the qualities on your list, just end it. You’re just dating, and you can date as many people as possible. Don’t wait for something to change, or wait years, as you’ll just be disappointed over and over again, worse, probably with a baby at your foot too.