JUTC introduces new route connecting Naggo Head to Spanish Town
The Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited (JUTC) has announced the introduction of the new Route #9, effective Monday, March 24.
“This new route will provide a reliable and convenient transportation option for commuters traveling between Naggo Head and Spanish Town [St Catherine],” the state-owned bus company said in a statement Friday.
It said adults using the SmartFareCard will pay $50 or $100 if cash is used; seniors who are concession fares will pay $25 while children, students and the disabled who are also concession fares, will pay $20.00.
Buses will depart Naggo Head at 5:45am, 7:03am, 8:21am, 9:39am, 10:57am, 12:15pm, 2:00pm, 3:18pm, 4:36pm, 5:54pm, 7:12pm and 8:32pm.
On the reverse, buses will leave Spanish Town at 6:24am, 7:42am, 9:00am, 10:18am, 11:36am, 12:54pm, 2:39pm, 3:57pm, 5:15pm, 6:33pm, 7:52pm and 9:12pm.
“We are excited to introduce Route #9 as part of our commitment to improving transportation for our customers. This route will provide a seamless and affordable travel option between Naggo Head and Spanish Town,” said Shantole Thompson, Corporate and Communications Manager at JUTC.
“This new route is part of JUTC’s ongoing efforts to enhance public transportation by increasing connectivity and convenience for commuters,” she added.