Water Woes
Montego Bay townhouse owner battles NWC over soaring bills
Dear Claudienne,
I own a townhouse in Montego Bay and my complaint is about the National Water Commission (NWC). A few months ago we noticed that the water bill was excessive and increasing every month. The property became empty on April 15, 2024 and at that time, the water was turned off inside and at the meter except for a few weeks.
A site inspection was arranged with the NWC and my husband was present for the inspection. During the inspection we noticed that the meter was constantly running even though there was no water usage. The technician told us that the meter was not defective and informed us that there was a leak in the house. However, when my husband and a plumber checked all the possible sources, including the pump, no leak was found.
My husband then visited the NWC office in Montego Bay in May 2024 and paid for an urgent site inspection. He was unsuccessful and was told that it could not be done without the technician’s report on file. There was no subsequent follow-up from the NWC although we continued to request them to do an inspection.
We also did not get a May bil even though we requested it. On June 17, 2024 we received a bill for $587,995.75 via e-mail, and on July 11 we received another bill for $1,051,858.13. In August we got no bill.
In all the communication with the NWC they insisted that there was a leak even though a certified plumber had visited the property in July and done an inspection and found none. He even made a video which was sent to the NWC to prove there is no leak. Although an inspection was done, the NWC still continues to recommend that we have a certified plumber do an inspection.
It is my understanding that the bill is now approximately $2,000,000. No one has been living on the property since mid-April 2024 and the only time the water was turned on was when someone was on-site.
• There is no evidence of water leakage anywhere. There is a pump in place that is triggered if there is a leak.
•The plumber also checked the meter, and it was noted that the meter runs constantly when the water is turned off and even when there is no water in the community. I am not sure what to do.
I would appreciate your help in looking at this matter.
Dear SJ,
The Tell Claudienne column outlined your concerns to the National Water Commission, and notes that the NWC did a meter reading at the premises on October 8, 2024 in the presence of your representative. The fittings and fixtures in the house were also checked by the NWC and no leaks were found. The meter was tested in Kingston on October 8, 2024 and a new meter was installed at the property on November 6, 2024.
Tell Claudienne notes that in an e-mail dated November 7, 2024, the NWC advised you “that your water is now reconnected.”
Please let us know when you get the corrected NWC bill.
We wish you all the best.
Have a problem with a store, utility, a company? Telephone 876-936-9436 or Cell/Whatsapp # 876-484-1349 or write to: Tell Claudienne c/o Sunday Finance, Jamaica Observer, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or e-mail: edwardsc@jamaicaobserver.com. Please include a contact phone number.