Sligoville woman accused of damaging man’s house during argument
ST CATHERINE, Jamaica – A St Catherine woman is in custody after allegedly inflicting damage to the roof and windows of a man’s home following an argument on February 4.
Malicious destruction of property and assault occasioning actual bodily harm are the charges that have been laid against 37-year-old Carren Allen, a labourer of Top Hill, Sligoville in St Catherine.
According to reports from the Sligoville Police,Allen allegedly got into an argument with a homeower and began to throw objects at the man’s house, damaging the roof, windows, and the front door. When the man allegedly tried to prevent her from further damaging his house, Allen reportedly turned on him using a stick to strike him on the arm.
After the incident, a report was made to the police and Allen was later taken into custody and charged. Her court date is being finalised.