Approaching a milestone
Do you know the saying, “Do di maths”? Well, it means to assess the facts to come to the irrefutable conclusion.
So I looked at the murder tally so far in 2025 and I did the maths. The maths told me that if we continue doing what we are doing, the murder figure for the year could be as low as sub-750. No, I’m not drunk. I may be a bit overworked, and the sun is beating the living hell out of me with these 20-hour duties, but I’m still sober.
As of the date of the composing of this article, Jamaica has recorded 100 murders in over 49 days. That’s an approximate average of two per day, which amounts to 730 murders for the year. This may seem like the killing fields of Cambodia to Sweden or Norway. However, for a country that has been one of the most consistent in the top five most murderous in the world, this is salvation.
It is hope. It is hundreds of mothers with drier eyes. This is important, really important. This must continue. The police officers, the soldiers must be congratulated, encouraged, and motivated by all stakeholders.
The job has just begun. It is only 50 days down, but it can continue. It can even improve. For this to happen the following groups must do certain things. The first is the police force. This trend is very much a victory for the force, so the officers who are working to exhaustion must continue. I know you’re tired; I am too. I know your family doesn’t see as much of you as you or they would like. I feel your pain. I feel their pain. I don’t have young children, so it’s easier on me. But I did once, and it was difficult for me then.
Truthfully, though, the job wasn’t this difficult back then because we are fighting it differently now: harder but smarter. Is this because we care more now? No. Not at all. It is because this strategy is different. It requires more from you because it is more labour-intensive. It’s a strategy of raid, raid, raid. It is working. Dr Kevin Blake and his team will be remembered for it. Killers hardly kill when they are the focus of the hunt. It’s actually quite brilliant. The police officers’ job is the most noble of all. Continue, despite the cost, because saving lives is the most important job in the world.
To the soldiers: I know this isn’t what you had in mind. You didn’t join the army to do police work. I know the box foods arrive cold, the boots are uncomfortable, and the uniforms are hot as hell. But we need you to make this work!
To the press, both traditional and non-traditional, continue showing your intolerance towards killing and thuggery. You cannot imagine how important a part you play. It is because of you that politicians cannot support criminals publicly any more. It is because of you that thugs can no longer masquerade as heroes.
The people, the civilians, the quiet voices that no longer tolerate or support gangs, you ensure that the intelligence community has the information it needs. The unsung hero of every war wears no uniform. It was regular people who hid Jews during the Holocaust. It was regular people who hid runaway enslaved people and operated the Underground Railroad in the United States in the 1800s. So keep at it.
To the politicians: You can make or break this. There are decisions that you have to make. Is the political party and your career worth the blood of innocent brothers and sisters? Or is Jamaica and the lives of its citizens the most important factors to consider?
I don’t blame any more than three of you still serving for the culture of gang support your seniors created. Nevertheless, it is you who must break the back of that culture. Any activism that involves intimidation, violence, or even the suggestion of same must be abhorred. This is so even if your opponent is participating in such activism. It doesn’t matter. You know better, you do better. If you lose the seat, so be it. No political seat is worth one drop of innocent blood.
Lastly, everyone should recognise that all this is God’s will. I remember when former Minister of National Security Peter Bunting spoke of divine intervention and many scoffed at him. I didn’t agree with the criticism. He may not be a fan of mine, but he was correct with that outlook. Nothing positive is going to happen without God’s involvement, and this is a fact that most of us on the front line in the war against the gangs have learned and live by.
Most of the prominent crime fighters in history have been shot at least once. Some of us, more than once. Keith Gardner, Isaiah Laing, Derrick “Cowboy” Knight, Cornwall “Bigga” Ford, Cammendo Thoms, and others have all been shot and lived to fight for years, and in some cases are still fighting this war. It is because of God’s grace that we all survived. Don’t separate God from the process. He is an active participant in this war.
This is a turning point in Jamaica’s history. The last dip in the murder rate to the levels we are going towards was a product of the Tivoli incursion. This one is the product of strategy, resources, blood, sweat, and tears.
I feel better about this one. Jamaica is developing an anti-gang culture. Jamaica is rejecting its modern history. Don’t let anyone stand in the way of the transition of a society that will soon reject murder as a means of settling its disputes.