Bermudians voting for new government
HAMILTON, Bermuda (CMC) — Bermudians are casting their ballots for a new government Tuesday with the two main political parties confident of winning the election that Premier David Burt called 10 months ahead of the constitutional deadline.
In the 2020 snap elections, the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) won 30 of the 36 seats with the remainder going to the main opposition One Bermuda Alliance (OBA).
The Parliamentary Registry Office (PRO) said that all polling stations opened at 8:00 am (local time) and will close 12 hours later.
“Registered voters are strongly encouraged to verify their registration details and polling station locations…to ensure a smooth voter experience and to avoid any delays,” it said, adding that registered voters are reminded to bring valid identification to the polling station.
The PRO said that acceptable forms of identification include a passport, Bermuda driver’s license, special person card, voter identification card, or an employee identification card with a photo, signature, and date of birth.
It said voters, when entering a polling station are not permitted, helmets, cameras, cellphones, video or any other electronic device with a camera and that employers are being reminded that “workers are entitled to time off from work in order to vote”.
There are 109 candidates contesting the elections with both the PLP and the OBA having named candidates to contest all 36 seats. There are 26 independents.
The PLP is urging voters to return the party to office with Premier Burt saying the country has a choice to make that would have implications for the next few years and future generations.
Burt, who has indicated that he will not be contesting another general election, said that his government is committed to fairness and not “just platitudes”.
He acknowledged the island’s general discontent with the cost of living, saying Bermuda is at the mercy of global economic tides but his party would work to soften the blow.
OBA leader, Jarion Richardson said he hopes his political legacy will be that he stepped up when others were giving up on the opposition.
“We shouldn’t wait for a crisis to come together. This election is about rebuilding our country as one. Let’s move forward. Let’s restore opportunity,” the party has told voters.