48-hour curfew imposed in St Andrew North Division
ST ANDREW, Jamaica – A 48-hour curfew has been imposed in the commumities of Airy Castle and Brooks Level Road in the St Andrew North Division. The curfew will begin at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 18 and will remain in effect until 6:00 pm Thursday, February 20.
The boundaries of the curfew are:
North: From 19 Golden Spring Road, St Andrew with an imaginary line across Brookslevel Road to the intersection Airy Castle Road and Bowden Hill Road.
East: From the intersection Airy Castle Road and Bowden Hill Road to the intersection of Castle Drive and Lipscombe Avenue.
South: From the intersection of Castle Drive and Lipscombe Avenue to the intersection of Stony Hill Road and Seaview Road.
West: From the intersection of Stony Hill Road and Seaview Road to 19 Golden Spring Road, St Andrew.
During the hours of the curfew, people within its boundaries are required to remain indoors unless otherwise authorised by the ground commander.