Gov’t will do more for the poor, says Fitz-Henley
Senator slams PNP’s ‘fixation with taxation’
Government Senator Abka Fitz-Henley says the Holness Administration will not back down from its commitment to improve the purchasing power of Jamaicans and slammed the Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) for what he argued is its fixation with taxation.
Fitz-Henley made the comment during his contribution to the State of the Nation Debate in the Senate on Friday.
He told the Upper House that at an “important phase in the electoral cycle” he is aware that the people of Jamaica are looking on for differences between this current Administration and the Opposition.
“I submit that one key difference is that the Andrew Holness-led Administration believes in putting money back into the pockets of Jamaicans and thereby increasing their purchasing power and ability to feed themselves and their families. We believe in, where possible, cutting taxes and easing the burdens on the people,” Fitz-Henley said.
According to the senator, on the other hand, the PNP, which has a “track record of imposing billions of dollars of taxes on the people of Jamaica” has already raised the spectre of imposing more taxes should it be allowed to return to office.
Senator Fitz-Henley noted that the Government has not imposed any new taxes on Jamaicans for over eight years, which, he said, is in stark contrast to former PNP Administrations which imposed $60 billion in new taxes on Jamaicans.
“I put it to you, that if we listen carefully to the utterances of members of the shadow Cabinet, it is clear that the PNP’s philosophy of taxing Jamaicans has not changed under the leadership of Mark Golding. Not too long ago the Opposition spokesman on education suggested a special increase in the GCT, while the spokesman on agriculture committed to an increase in taxes on all food imports. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know those two measures would drive up prices for a range of items, including food,” Senator Fitz-Henley said.
He said he wished to place on the record of Parliament his opposition to this expression of the PNP’s intention, which was made by its two prominent spokesmen.
Fitz-Henley said attempts by the PNP to walk back the announced plans for new taxes have no credibility.
“This talk from the Opposition PNP about new taxes, this fixation with taxation has doubled my resolve to work hard to ensure that the PNP does not again get the chance to pursue policies which not only stifle the business sector but are tantamount to them again seeking to put dem foot on di neck of poor people in Jamaica. I say to the Opposition, we the people of Jamaican will not allow you to send up food prices by pursuing your fixation wid taxation. Forget it, enough is enough,” Senator Fitz-Henley declared.
“Little did we know that when they said time come, they meant time come for new taxes on the people,” he quipped as he pushed back against the plans announced by Dr Dayton Campbell and Senator Damion Crawford while taking a jab at the Opposition’s campaign slogan.
He then reeled of a number of initiatives pursued by the Government, including the de facto reduction in income tax paid by some Jamaicans, doubling of the minimum wage, and the $20,000 income tax rebate initiative as evidence of the Holness Administration’s commitment to not increase the tax burden facing Jamaicans but bolster their ability to spend and take care of themselves and their families.
Fitz-Henley said given the understanding by the prime minister and the Government that their primary function is to put in place policies that ease the plight facing the masses, he is confident that more polices and plans will be implemented which will better the lives of Jamaicans.