The modern-day Herods of our time
As we celebrate the Christmas season, we are at the same time reminded of the murder of the innocents. Joseph protected Mary from shame and disgrace, she became pregnant and had a child named Jesus. He would not divorce her though the child was not his biological child. He did not want the mother and child to be brought up in disgrace, so he fostered the child as his own and continued his relationship with Mary as his wife.
This child is called Emmanuel, that is “God is with us”. Truly Jesus, the newborn child, has been fathered by God the Father and has more power than all the kings of the world. Thus Herod was jealous and afraid of Him. Though Herod had the greatest worldly power, Christ is the king of hearts, He loved people, indeed every man even unto death. His self-sacrificing love overcame the wickedness and the snares of the devil.
Today there are Herods who rule our world. There are 73 million babies aborted each year worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. There are tyrants who would murder babies in the womb.
The women and doctors who promote and exercise abortion are tyrants who kill the babies who are helpless in the mother’s womb. All 73 million mothers will surely suffer emotionally and physically at the death of their child and their decision to kill the child of their own flesh. There can be no world peace if a mother who nestles a child in her womb kills that child by her own choice.
We must look at the powerful nations who possess and create weapons of death and war. They dominate, they threaten, they rule over weaker or smaller nations who need to be “Yes” men to get along with the giants and tyrants of our time. As in the case of Herod who murdered the holy innocents — all male children under two years old — so it is today with rich and powerful leaders and we dependent nations.
Herod did not want anyone to be considered the greatest other than himself. He was possessed with the desire for power. He must be considered the greatest and the most frightening of men in the world. There are many men and women who are like Herod. And there are smaller, poorer dependent nations. Countries like the United States, Russia, the European countries, Canada, and China can become Herods of our time taking advantage of poorer and more dependent nations.
But don’t we see that people of such stature are often full of pride, full of false ambitions and are without love and respect for others. Though people will honour and pay outward respect to them, there is no internal love and affection and expectation of human kindness and consideration. The Herods of today will kill for power, they would give orders to kill the boy child like Christ under two years old and anyone who threatens their positions.
Why are there so many guns in Jamaica (nearly 1,400 people killed last year); who makes these guns, who sells these guns, who uses these guns? Terror and fear are in the hearts of many innocent Jamaican people. Why do we need guns? Most people will say the purpose is self-defence.
We notice that over 50 per cent of the American economy is produced through the creation of arms. (The US accounts for more than 40 per cent of the planet’s weapons exports. US$100 billion to US$200 billion are pocketed in arms sales each year, and that number is gradually increasing year over year.) We love America but we do not desire its policies that encourage violence and the production of arms.
It’s Christmastime, the season of Christ, the Prince of peace. Unless we follow His ways, we will not get rid of the tyranny of modern-day Herods who rule the world by force rather than by the spirit of self-sacrifice and service.