ITA lists five deadly habits of road users driving fatalities
There are five deadly habits of Jamaican motorists/road users that are driving the vast majority of road fatalities on the nation’s roads in 2024 according to statistics presented by the Island Traffic Authority (ITA).
The ITA, in its latest weekly crash report released on Friday, December 27, recorded 362 deaths from 312 fatal crashes. Of that number, 253 or 70 per cent were caused by five recurring actions of roads users.
According to the ITA, 87 deaths resulted from motorists proceeding at excessive speed without regard to conditions while 78 deaths were caused by motorists failing to keep to the near side or to the proper traffic lane.
According to the information, motorists who overtake improperly on the offside were responsible for 35 deaths, 34 fatalities resulted from pedestrians walking or standing in the road and 19 people were killed as a result of drivers turning right without due care.
Meanwhile, with just two days to go in the year, fatalities have decreased by 14 per cent while fatal crashes are down 18 per cent when compared to 2023.
Motorcyclists continue to be the most vulnerable road users accounting for 33 per cent of the road users killed as at December 27; pedestrians account for 19 per cent; private motor vehicle drivers account for 17 per cent; and private motor vehicle passengers account for 12 per cent.
When combined, vulnerable road users (pedestrians, pedalcyclists, motorcyclists and pillions) account for 59 per cent of all road users killed this year.
Overall, passengers account for 22 per cent of the fatalities while males and females account for 84 per cent and 16 per cent respectively of those killed as of December 27.