What is your destiny?
Do we just have a corruptible body that disintegrates into nothing and disappears? What is death? Is there a soul? Does it last forever, or is it just a fairy tale?
As Christians, we believe that the body passes from its corruptible state into an incorruptible state because Jesus assimilates our bodies into His body. If we live in His body and according to His ways, we attain eternal life.
Many people ask the question, “Is there eternal life?” We believe that we all have an eternal soul. Life is not just living for a time on Earth and then disappearing. Life is not merely about enjoyment, having fun, and experiencing pleasure with great intensity. As Christians, we believe that we must serve, sacrifice, suffer, and struggle so that others may know God through us and experience the good news, happiness, and love that Jesus exemplified in the Beatitudes lived out by our lives.
We believe there is a soul in every living person. We believe we will go either to heaven or hell. Heaven is life with God, with the saints, with angels, and with all those who worship God and serve the simplest, poorest of people. We believe our ultimate purpose is to live our lives everlastingly in God’s heavenly kingdom. We work and sacrifice our lives so that the goodness of God may be seen by others all over the world, and that they may be attracted to become children of God. Our mission is to convert all people to be like Jesus, true sons and daughters of the heavenly Father.
I have spent my life committed to forming communities of men who dedicate themselves to Christ, living like Christ, working like Christ, dying in Christ, and rising to live in eternal life. A few brothers have died as Missionaries Of the Poor (MOP); they lived, worked, and served the poor and one another. They are our joy; Father Arthur Nowell, Brother Marco Laspuna, Brother Suresh Barwa, Brother Mark Morris, Brother Vincent Kujur, Brother Melwin Romano, and Brother Yohanes Don Bosko all gave up their lives in service of Christ, each other, and the poor. They constantly sought holiness and perfection in a simple life.
There are hundreds of others like myself — sinners striving to overcome our sinful ways, loving the world too much. Yet the kingdom of God, the life of Christ, and His work continually remind us that there is another way: a life of simplicity and humility, a life in the spirit that says, “Come and follow me, leave all things behind.” Reject Satan, the world, and his ways, and come and follow me. We want to be faithful to the end.
Brother Yohanes Don Bosko has died as an MOP. He wanted nothing but to serve the Lord. He was a gentle, sweet, and kind person who loved the scriptures. He also loved the arts. He lived a life of poverty, chastity, obedience, and free service to the poorest of the poor. He was an Indonesian, an Asian from the Far East, and came from a family of farmers. They wept bitterly when he died but accepted that he was given over to the hands of God and that he is in heaven at the tender age of 28 years.
As his father, I weep from the depths of my heart. But I am happy that I have brought forth another son who served Christ and is now with Him.
Yes! The time has come. Death comes like a thief in the night. We must prepare in this time of Advent for the coming of the Lord. We do not know the hour or the day. He will come for each one of us at His will. As religious brothers we must always be at work in His kingdom, doing His will, serving Him and one another, especially the poor. Then we can be assured that we will be at the wedding banquet whenever He comes to call us.
Pray for us poor sinners, Lord, and keep reminding us that we belong to You!