Flow Credits customer after prolonged billing dispute
Dear Claudienne,
I am asking you kindly to assist me with resolving this Flow problem. I went to the Manor Park Flow office in St Andrew during the month of November last year to open a basic package for $8,500 per month. As I did not have a direct phone line at which they could contact me, I gave them my son’s phone number in case the company wanted to send me an urgent message.
As no one visited my house for several months to install the equipment, I went back to the Manor Park office earlier this year and reported the matter.
In June 2024, a technician came to my house to install the equipment. However, he did not complete the job because I had no Internet or telephone or WI-FI. I complained constantly by way of personal visits to the customer service department, but nothing happened.
Then I got a bill for $18,000. I visited the office in August and made another complaint and returned all the equipment the technician had left at my home. The manager apologised and said she would revert all the billed amounts to $0.00.
I now have no Flow equipment at my house and although I have never used their phone, Internet, TV, or WI-FI service I am still receiving bills. I have returned all of the equipment and notified them that I no longer want a Flow service package. However, they keep calling and requesting my son to notify me that they are coming to install the service. I also got a bill with the statement date September 22-24 for $26,400.82
Kindly assist in rectifying this problem.
ear BS,
Tell Claudienne has been in communication with Flow and notes that the Customer Experience team has sent you the following e-mail:
“Please note that we have made several attempts to contact you, but unfortunately, these have been unsuccessful. Upon reviewing your account, we noticed that a report indicated no service since installation. As a result, an initial request for disconnection was made. However, after speaking with one of our agents, it was agreed that only the landline service would be retained, while all other services would be cancelled.
Despite this arrangement, we found that when the landline number (xxxx) is dialed, it goes directly to voicemail. A subsequent check by our Command Centre confirmed that the line is currently unregistered. This issue has been escalated to our technical support team for further investigation.
In the meantime, we have adjusted your account to reverse all charges from the installation date. Your account now reflects a credit of $1,293.98. We will follow up with you as soon as we receive any updates.
Thank you for your patience, and please feel free to contact us if you need further assistance, either by this medium or through our Customer Care Centre, by calling the toll free 1 800 804 2994. We are now available for chats online via our live chat portal. Visit us at www.discoverflow.co/jamaica and start your online chat today!”
The column notes that you responded on October 10, 2024 as follows:
Many thanks for your letter acknowledging the errors on Flow’s part. I look forward to receiving the cheque for the credit amount of $1,293 at the earliest date. In so doing my name will be fully removed from Flow’s system for a final time.
“Kind regards.”
We wish you all the best.
Have a problem with a store, utility, a company? Telephone 876-936-9436 or CELL/Whatsapp# 876-484-1349 or write to: Tell Claudienne c/o Sunday Finance, Jamaica Observer, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or e-mail: edwardsc@jamaicaobserver.com. Please include a contact phone number.