Desperate for power
Dear Editor,
Power is an attractive force for many people, regardless of whether their intentions are good or bad. Power acts as a channel for empowerment, offering wealth, recognition, and self-fulfilment, while also revealing one’s character.
While power can influence change, it can also lead to desperation. When desperation causes people to abandon morals and values, it threatens the well-being of entire communities and nations.
It is God who removes and appoints to power as He sees fit; therefore, being desperate for power is unprofitable, as he who finds himself with power that was not rightly appointed is bound to fail, as the motives were questionable from the beginning. Hence, it is important that ego and emotions are governed by godly principles.
Ego is the carnal way of thinking that has driven many into acts of foolishness for power. These acts of foolishness are oftentimes referred to as desperation. It is never good to respond or act in times of feeling desperate. This is so because in times of desperation, good sense rarely prevails.
In today’s society, many people think that those in power are validated based on their popularity rather than the quality of their output or performance. However, from a biblical perspective, individuals in positions of authority who uphold sound principles and values were often not celebrated; instead, they were frequently rebuked or challenged by the people they served.
So the cheers of constituents do not necessarily validate the presence of those who sit in the seat of power. As a matter of fact, anyone who sits in the seat of power and is widely celebrated should be very concerned about their actions, as people are not usually excited about uprightness and being governed by rules and regulations. Frankly, in most instances, the cheers from constituents are usually because he who has power is a facilitator of bad behaviour.
Individuals driven by desperation for power are willing to take bold actions, often ignoring the moral consequences along the way. This desperation leads them to adopt divide-and-conquer strategies that jeopardise both their internal supporters and external allies. The workplace and other formal systems are typical examples of places where there is strong competition for power.
Power-hungry folks stop at nothing and will go to any extreme to antagonise and bamboozle their way to the seat of power. Frequently, these individuals are unprepared to fulfil their existing responsibilities according to established standards. Instead, they focus their energy on monitoring the accomplishments of others, waiting for the right moment to step in and claim credit for someone else’s hard work. This behaviour can be demotivating for those who are dedicated and committed.
In some cases, there are individuals who are unable to meet expectations but believe they have the right to be in positions of power. They feel entitled due to their social class, years of service, popularity, or connections. These individuals can be dangerously witty and often go to the extreme to create irrational situations, hoping to convince others that a hard-working and dedicated servant is unworthy, though they have no plans to make the lives of the associated group better. They will set traps to undermine honest and committed leaders, forgetting that what goes around comes around.
Frankly, anyone who seeks power by sabotaging the efforts of others is inherently unfit to hold such power.
Dealing with power-hungry individuals can be stressful and uncomfortable, as they often have no boundaries. They engage in cruel acts with the belief that their deceit will go unnoticed. They convince themselves of their righteousness, defending their wrongful actions while attempting to shame and dismiss the efforts of those who are just, despite knowing deep down that they are misleading others.
Desperation for power is a dangerous and self-centred attitude that should be avoided. Instead, we should humbly regard others as better than ourselves, trusting that our own time will come and that what is meant for us cannot be claimed by someone else. It’s important to learn to wait for our turn rather than rush into power, as anything gained through unjust means will not endure.
Ultimately, those who attain power through honesty and integrity will be the ones who truly succeed.
Shauna Kaye Brown