Spiritual love of God: Is it real?
Most of us believe that physical love, sexual intercourse, kissing, nakedness to each other is the only form of love. But spiritual love is the greatest form of love. We seek goodness for all, we seek to please God and the poorest of our neighbours. Loving God is love of our Creator, our Father in heaven. He created us and continues to provide life and all things for us. Loving our neighbours means loving the least of our brothers and sisters, sacrificing and serving everyone, especially the least of our brothers and sisters unto death.
It is true that God loves us all. He seeks the best for each and every one of us. This is general love, but it is also interpersonal love. He loves you and calls you by your name. But He asks you, “Do you love me? I select you as my spiritual bride.” I say to Him, “Lord, come to me and be with me. I have chosen you though I am weak and a sinner.” I cry out, “Save me Lord. Teach me to trust you, teach me to believe in you, forgive me my wrongs.”
Spiritual love is the greatest of treasures. I want that treasure of being with you, Lord, and that you be with me, that you hold me to yourself and that you speak to me and you be with me always. In religious life our love for God increases if we keep on reaching out for Him. As for God, He will always keep on reaching out for us.
Love of God is a special affair. It takes place without the physical presence of each other. I love you, Lord, and you love me, though we are not physically present to each other, we simply know that it is true, it is ineffable.
You are present to me and I am present to you with love, I love you and you love me. Lord, I want to feel your love always. Sometimes I experience isolation and desolation, then I feel alone and separated from you, but deep down I know that you are there, even though I have no feelings for you, and I do not feel any affection from you.
Still, I ask and I long to be with you, Lord, to be in your house. I long to be with all the saints, with all my family members and friends, and even with all those who are sinners but have tried to overcome the world.
In Psalm 27:4 I say with David, “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.” The Lord tells me to come into His house, He will serve me though I am imperfect. He is God and I am just a man. I am delighted to sit with Him with the poor, the brothers, and all those who have tried. Though we are all imperfect, we have tried to love the Lord and to build His kingdom on Earth.
I don’t know when you will come, Lord, but I see signs in our times. There are wars, there is global warming, there are floods and hurricanes, and there is so much selfishness. You will come like a thief in the night. I keep on trying, we must all be ready at all times. We must keep on loving and serving you and our poor fellow men faithfully, even without feelings, which is the sign of true love, crucified with Jesus on the cross.
Please pray for the people in the Philippines and those at war in the Near East.