Robert Battle’s The Hunt to debut on Plié’s Amalgamation
Robert Battle, the former artistic director of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, will be in Jamaica for the Kingston debut of his masterpiece, The Hunt, on an all-Jamaican cast comprising dancers from the Plié Global Collective.
The athletic work reveals the predatory side of human nature and the primitive thrill of the hunt.
Other notable international pieces on Amalgamation will be Alvin Ailey’s Fix Me Jesus, performed by Michael Jackson Jr and Constance Stamatiou-Lopez, from
Revelations, the world’s most-watched modern dance; Migration from Alonso King Lines Ballet; dance by Adji Cissoko and Shuaib Elhassan.
This year Plié for the Arts has bought the licence for several international works. These include The Calling by Jessica Lang, Bolero choreographed by Shahar Binyamini, and
The Hunt by Robert Battle.
Plié’s mission of having a touring collective with international works by world-renowned choreographers is slowly becoming a reality. All three dances will be performed by Plié’s newly rebranded global collective, which represents 30 dances from Jamaica, the Caribbean, and the USA.
Other international dancers on Amalgamation will be rising star Madison Brown, recently promoted to company member of the American Ballet Theatre, and international soloist Ildar Young, guest soloist with the Bolshoi Ballet.
The eclectic Ashley Green of Alvin Ailey will premiere a solo to the music of Nina Simone.
Amalgamation takes place on August 24 and 25 at the Little Theatre.