Disappointed in Mark Golding
Dear Editor,
I am concerned about what appears to me to be a serious lack of transparency from People’s National Party (PNP) President Mark Golding concerning his British citizenship.
Golding told an online interview approximately a year ago that he had a British passport as a child. During that interview he did not respond when the interviewer asked whether he had renounced.
His responses in the interview caused me (and perhaps others) to believe that having a British passport was a thing of the past for Golding, an actuality relegated to his childhood. Now we have discovered that he remains a British citizen.
The PNP president appeared on morning television in Jamaica a few weeks ago and confirmed that he remains a British citizen and his UK passport expires this year.
I’m disappointed in Golding. Why didn’t he come clean with the Jamaican people a long time ago? Is it because he knows that retaining his British citizenship while preaching about it not being appropriate for Jamaica to have one foot in and one foot out of King Charles’ yard is politically unforgivable hypocrisy ?
Jean Clarke