Men analyse women
MEN, what have you realised about women as you’ve got older? It’s a question we asked men, following last week’s enlightening piece from women, who shared what they’ve noticed with age, experience and wisdom, at a time in their lives when they’re less open to being pawns in certain games, and are prioritising deeper connections and mutual respect in relationships.
Kevin, 42, chef:
Women operate from a place of emotion, so you as a man need to be able to read this, and act accordingly. Just listen. You will hear what she needs if you just listen. Your attention is her fuel to bloom.
Stephen, 47, marketer:
A woman will flirt with you, be nice to you, compliment you, smile with you, tell you you look good, and even complain to you about her worthless man. The last part is the important part, fellows. This doesn’t mean that she wants you, so don’t fool yourself. She’s not leaving her man for you. And even if she leaves her man, it won’t be for you. Never. She will get another boyfriend that’s not you. You’re just like another girlfriend to her.
Richie, 30, entrepreneur:
Silence from a woman — you can’t get past that. When she goes silent she’s done with you. So you may as well move on, because you can’t get her back after that.
Paul, 37, policeman:
Most women don’t need a man, they need a therapist and someone to pay their bills. Women are quite content to be by themselves. You’re just a means to an end because the economy is crap.
Jevon, 32, entrepreneur:
The good women are married with children. So if you’re really smart, look for a divorcée or a woman who’s separated. Chances are, she was just with a man who didn’t understand women, and she will be perfect for you if depth and substance are what you’re after.