Scientists say breadfruit could be answer to world hunger
Researchers at Northwestern University say they have been studying breadfruit, believing it could help address global hunger.
According to an article from Yahoo News, scientists suggest that as “more vulnerable crops are endangered due to rising global temperatures,” breadfruit, described in the article as a “weird-looking, odd-smelling fruit,” is drought-resistant and requires minimal fertilizer.
“A new study from these Northwestern scientists has found that breadfruit is incredibly resilient to warming temperatures and changes in precipitation. The drought-resistant breadfruit doesn’t need a ton of fertilizer or water to grow, either,” the article said.
“What may make breadfruit the best option for feeding the world, though, is its ability to grow in places that will be most impacted by the planet’s overheating,” it continues, adding that “it’s great that breadfruit can be a viable fallback in case the warming climate affects the foods we love.”
The article also highlighted the fact that breadfruit can be prepared in many ways, including boiling, frying, and roasting, as an added benefit.