A call for positive parenting
Dear Editor,
The month of November is celebrated as Parents’ Month, and I pause to both commend and encourage our primary agents of socialisation — parents. They have been tasked with the awesome responsibility of shaping the lives of future generations, and this responsibility should not be taken lightly.
The theme for Parents’ Month is ‘Participation for Purpose’. Purpose indeed fuels the passion that drives our parents as they focus on the question: ‘What is our purpose?’ Research has shown the tremendous benefits that are derived from good parenting. Chief among them are good academic performances and the exhibition of good character traits. Undoubtedly, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. The purpose, therefore, of every parent is to aid in the holistic development of their children so that they can make a positive impact in our society.
With such an understanding of the purpose, let us now focus on how parents can participate in fulfilling this great mandate.
Children need an environment in which they can properly thrive, such as a positive, loving home environment in which they are seen, heard, affirmed, and appreciated. Thus, the onus is on parents to create an environment that is both print-rich and Christ-rich. This environment will promote not only children’s academic growth but also their spiritual development, which is inclusive of the proper morals and principles necessary for children to function well in society.
Parents are children’s first teachers and so a solid foundation should be set from they are in the womb right through to adulthood. What they watch, listen to, and read should be monitored since they can positively or negatively impact their minds.
Children learn predominantly through observation. They are deemed to be the world’s best copycats. In education we often refer to the hidden curriculum, the non-verbal aspect of teaching; that is, how teachers conduct themselves in and outside of the classroom. It zeroes in on the character of the teachers rather than content.
This is something that parents should be mindful of as well. Children pay more attention to what is done than what is said; therefore, to achieve the true purpose of parenting, they have to practise what they preach. Children cannot be told not to do something but see their parents engaging in the discouraged behaviour. Example is the greatest influence parents can have on their children.
It is good to leave behind material possessions for your children, but nothing beats depositing in them the right skills and attitudes that will further equip them to be world-class citizens and effective parents of their own. Strive to leave a lasting legacy for your children.
Parenting is an awesome responsibility that can be overwhelming at times, but with a solid foundation, the right strategies, and good support system, it can be done well.
I want to commend the parents who have been playing their roles in fulfilling this grand mandate and call on others to join in the participation for purpose. I urge them to continue striving to launch a positive environment, leading by example, and leaving a lasting effect.
If the home is right, then the other arms of society will also be right.
Happy Parents’ Month!
Shauna-Kay Douglas