48-hour curfew imposed in sections of St Catherine
ST CATHERINE, Jamaica – A 48-hour curfew has been imposed in sections of Gregory Park Community, Old Braeton, and Old Harbour Bay in St Catherine.
The curfew began at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, November 22 and will end at 6:00 pm Friday, November 24.
The boundaries of the curfew for Gregory Park are:
NORTH: Along the Dyke Road about 1,759m from the Round-a-bout to the intersection of Portmore Villa Boulevard and Dyke Road.
SOUTH: Along the train line from the intersection of Dyke Road to the intersection of Municipal Boulevard about 2080m.
EAST: Along Dyke Road about 695m from the intersection of Portmore Villa Boulevard to the train line.
WEST: Along the Municipal Boulevard about 1,322m from the intersection of the train line to the round-a-bout.
The boundaries of the curfew for Old Braeton are:
NORTH: Along Old Braeton Road running westerly from the intersection of Digicel Lane to the entrance of 7 East (Hibiscus Drive) approximately 245m.
SOUTH: Along the gully that runs parallel to East Mid Street from 7 East (Hibiscus Drive) to the intersection with the eastern boundary vicinity Braeton Meadows approximately 427m.
EAST: Along an imaginary line from the gully in the vicinity of Braeton Meadows running northerly to Old Braeton Road approximately 809m.
WEST: Along 7 East (Hibiscus Drive) from the intersection with Old Braeton Road southerly to the gully that runs parallel to East Mid Street approximately 926m.
The boundaries of the curfew for Old Harbour Bay are:
NORTH: Imaginary Line running from Buddho District, vicinity of bridge along Bay Bottom Road to East Bay Road approximately 718m, vicinity of Two Storey Shop/Bar.
SOUTH: Imaginary line connecting to eastern boundary running approximately 648m along the Coastline to the left in (Western) mangrove.
EAST: Imaginary Line connecting from northern boundary vicinity Two Storey Shop/Bar to Coastline approximately 236m.
WEST: Imaginary line connecting southern boundary in the Mangrove and running approximately 294m to the north connecting to the northern boundary in Buddho District vicinity of the bridge.
During the hours of the curfew, all persons within its boundaries are required to remain within their premises for 48 hours, unless otherwise authorised by the ground commander.