Truths about suicide
Dear Editor,
As with COVID-19 and many of the other ailments which are afflicting us, we have had to learn to live with them. However, the very nature of suicide and suicidal ideation does not afford us the leisure of applying this option.
With yet another World Suicide Prevention Day and World Mental Health Day being recognised around this time of the year, specifically on September and October 10, respectively, may we consider these truths about the truth-deprived state of being suicidal.
Howbeit that witnesses of and those who have participated in suicidal attempts have reported a last-minute change of heart or an apparent fear of dying setting in during the progression of that ultimate act of self-destruction. It is true that no one wishes to die, but just as with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, we have all been and are constantly being told that we “shall not surely die”. As self-contradictory as this might seem, the suicidal victim, as with Eve, errs in judgement in believing this from the Devil rather than his/her God and Creator.
It is a lie that only the malevolent, faithless, or cursed among us attempt or think of suicide. Earlier in 2023, the Northern Caribbean University (NCU), Manchester, Jamaica, published research findings suggesting that around 80 per cent of our young men had been having suicidal thoughts. However, if they were to also consider reckless and potentially deadly and risky actions and behaviour, then all of us would be suicidal. Howbeit that suicidal behaviour, under the guise of risk-taking, are undertaken when and while God is not being acknowledged and obeyed by us.
It is also a lie that you can handle suicidal thoughts and the risk of developing them on your own. Actually, it is this same misbelief that one is equipped to do so which facilitates the suicide. It is as if one thinks that arming oneself with man-made weapons, defence systems and/or personnel will keep the spirit of suicide at bay, when all these do is make one more isolated, which provides the ideal environment for developing and acting on suicidal thoughts.
Although the walk through suicidal ideation is one that has to be personally undertaken, in heading towards the safety of a place where you and your God are alone, you still need the support of others who believe in you.
Andre O Sheppy
St James