An impossible choice?
With Labour Day in the US fast approaching and a new election season looming, most American voters should have already been educating themselves about the choices they will have to make in the election. It is important that they understand the issues and the policies of the parties so that they can make decisions as informed voters.
Voters ought to consider the following:
A) A vote for former President Donald Trump (Republican) is a vote for civil war. The voting population is evenly divided along party lines and Trump is dangerous and not a proper fit to lead the country. In order to satisfy his authoritarian instincts and in pursuit of self-aggrandisement, he is quite happy to bypass the laws of the constitution on which our democracy is built.
In the Republican primary, according to all the poll, Trump is leading by over 30 per cent and in all probability will be the nominee.
B) A vote for President Joe Biden (Democrat) is a vote for a third world war.
The Democratic National Committee is not having debates and seems willing to obstruct anyone who tries to challenge President Biden. The only possible exception is if President Biden withdraws from the race, but he has already announced his intention to seek re-election. If a sitting president wants a second term the protocol is not to challenge him.
The Democratic Party has become the party of war. In the last spending Bill all the Democrats in the House supported the US$847 billion for the military, while only nine Republicans voted for it. In the US Senate it was supported by 29 Republicans and by all the Democrats.
The purpose of the ‘Biden war’ in the Ukraine is to hurt Russia and to isolate it from the rest of Europe. But this has backfired and led to a closer union between Russia and China. Add the natural resources of Russia to the capital and technology of China and you get a more formidable and stronger opponent.
The best solution for the war is to opt for peace and not to stoke the bear, but President Biden seems to prefer the latter.
President Biden has revived the old ‘policy’ of Western leaders wanting to destroy Russia, a vast country with an abundance of natural resources. He has taken the US to the brink of a nuclear war with Russia, which has the most nuclear weapons, and the proxy war in the Ukraine could become nuclear at any time.
History is laden with stories about the corpses of previous world leaders who had similar ambitions, namely, Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Western leaders who attacked Russia after the 1917 revolution.
The Biden Administration has made the world a more dangerous place. It has managed to create a world of adversaries, divided on military and economic lines, namely the US and Europe on one side and on the other, Russia, China, North Korea, Africa, and Brazil, with each striving to develop along separate paths.
The likelihood is that the coming presidential election will be rematch between Biden and Trump. In either case, the people will lose.
C) A vote for either of the two parties is not a vote for real leaders, because the two parties are mere puppets of big business and are beholden to them. It is tantamount to legalised bribery.
The real leaders are a small clique of warmongers who put the interests of their donors first and the welfare of ordinary people are of secondary importance. They have already spent over US$120 billion of American taxpayers’ money on health care and other benefits for Ukrainians, while Americans are without.
D) In addition to the people, democracy also loses. In the case of the Republicans, at least they will have the option to choose their presidential nominee. But in the case of the Democrats, their nominee will be coronated without their input.
An Associated Press-National Opinion Research Center April 13-17 poll shows that 52 per cent of Democrats do not want President Biden to run. Some candidates are now chosen, not democratically in a primary as in the case of Biden, but indirectly by indictment of the opponent.
In the case of Trump, an Economist-YouGov poll, dated June 10-13, shows that 56 per cent of all voters are against his candidacy.
If people want to change the status quo, the system is self-perpetuating and will not change itself. Voters will have to vote to oust the Democrats and Republicans and not keep voting for the same leaders repeatedly.
Political leaders will take people for granted. It took President Biden over a week to address the recent wildfire tragedy in Hawaii, where over 100 people died and over 1,000 are missing. Is it a coincidence that Hawaii is a solid blue state? It will be interesting to see how they vote in 2024?
If people choose to vote in the next election, they must vote for candidates who represent their interests. Vote third party or stay at home.
The thought of having to live for another four years under a Biden or Trump regime is a daunting prospect. The political system has failed to respond to the needs of ordinary people. In my opinion, it is causing the breakdown of American civilisation and way of life and explains the recent and rapid rise in crime, wokeism, and other forms of madness in society.
It is caused by the stranglehold that the Military Industrial Complex and other corporate elites have over the two political parties. And there is no other party strong enough to challenge their authority. This is why they strive so hard to prevent the rise of any other source of information or power.
Marianne Williamson, a presidential candidate is right to argue that the answer to this leadership crisis is restoration of moral leadership and a spiritual renaissance.
In the meantime, the clock is ticking and may God have mercy on us and on the republic.
Victor Dixon is an author and a political scientist who lives in Boynton Beach, Florida.