Divine principles should be our guide
Dear Editor,
Regardless of how frequent political points are being scored by this current Administration, they still fall woefully short of the glory which it claims it “deserves”.
This new and increased focus on parliamentarians’ job description; qualifications; and bases of performance and appraisals as well as integrity, as it relates to personal assets, is set to steer us away from the truth.
Why is it that these political codes and directives seem like something from a Fortune 500 company’s organisational behaviour guide? Don’t they know that managing people’s lives and souls compared to stocks and business modules is as different as heaven is from this world? How we would have preferred if our leaders were being asked to be guided by divinely inspired principles, or at least those of our ancestral forefathers, and making a spiritual declaration rather than one of finances and assets to a commissioned oversight entity.
Additionally, if we were to juxtapose the quest to get into heaven with a politician who endeavours to meet or surpass these newly formalised standards, it would be as simple as one, two, three. However, Jesus once proffered a certain peculiar condition, without which His disciples could not be admitted to the kingdom of heaven, which was that they be “more righteous” than the scribes and Pharisees.
In other words, one who has been blessed with the opportunity to serve God and mankind has to rise above the hypocrisy of those who are often charged with setting the standards.
Andre O Sheppy
St James