More than 50 Labour Day projects in Manchester
MANDEVILLE, Manchester — More than 50 projects were carried out in this south-central parish as part of Labour Day activities, with priority placed on planting trees in keeping with this year’s theme.
Scores of volunteers — including civic, political, and business leaders — planted trees at Brooks Park where plans are advanced for a section of the 30-acre property to be made into a nature trail.
Mandeville Mayor Donovan Mitchell lauded volunteers for participating in projects.
“In the middle of the Brooks Park property… a nature trail is being developed. We planted some trees along the trail so that people can come and will know what trees they are. We are planting fruit trees as well so that when people are walking and an apple is ripe and nice, you can have a fruit,” said Mitchell.
“We sometimes think that people have lost interest in volunteering for their country and parish and today I am really grateful, I am particularly proud to see the people of Manchester coming out,” he added.
Painting pedestrian crossings and speed bumps were also incorporated in projects.
In the community of Ingleside, residents — including senior citizens 1 repainted speed bumps to enhance road safety. They also repainted the swimming pool area at the community club.
“We noticed that the sleeping police [speed bumps] were not easily visible so we have decided to paint them to make them look more visible and safer,” said Ingleside resident Beverley Myrie.