What’s your solution, MP Holness?
Dear Editor,
I couldn’t believe that a sitting Member of Parliament (MP), wife of the prime minister, Juliet Holness could tell an audience that anywhere that is unsafe to live, you can only find Comrades or supporters of the People’s National Party (PNP) living there.
I thought she meant unsafe, in terms of violence, I later understood that she referred to the danger of the elements, such as rain, flooding, etc.
Whether the risk is from the elements, violence, or health, is it necessary to blame the other party, which is not in control? It is tribal politics to “diss” a political party and its leadership, even while speaking about settlements within one’s constituency.
An MP represents the entire constituency, not just pockets where he or she has political suppport. We know that poverty is at the root of most problems in Jamaica, and people live where they live when they have limited resources which affect options.
Many of these settlements, as MP Holness correctly pointed out, lack sewerage systems and access to water and electricity, which are basic amenities. There must be other options instead of cursing the other party under the disguise that you are progressive, while the other party is not. How will this benefit anyone?
MP Holness was speaking at a Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) divisional meeting in a constituency headed by MP and Labour and Social Security Minister Karl Samuda, wher she asserted that politics is used to influence the selection of places for human settlement. And she doubled down on her controversial comments in media interviews. How would MP Holness describe the JLP stronghold of West Kingston? Is it safe there? And wasn’t the area influenced by politics? It is fair to say that every constituency in Jamaica has pockets of unsafe settlements?
Politicians need to stop throwing blame when they can’t find solutions. MP Holness is an elected representative and a real estate developer, why not tap into the skills and resources and present some bold initiatives to help more Jamaicans move to more habitable and safe areas? She could begin in her own constituency and set an example for others to follow.
Once we have positive solutions we can throw stones and take full credit for any progress made. Until then it is tribal politics, petty and irresponsible, as both parties are guilty of developing settlements that are unsafe.
P Chin