Past your prime
Thou art thy mother’s glass
And she in thee calls back the lovely
April of her prime.
— Shaksespeare
Oh to be in the prime of your life, when all things are functioning at optimal speed and strength, everything is working properly like a well-oiled machine. It is the April of your life and the air is fresh and clean, the flowers are blooming and all’s well with the world.
But then comes the summer, then autumn, followed by the dreaded winter of discontent, metaphorically of course, for we have no such seasons here, at least not as far as our climate goes.
Still, our bodies, mind, and soul do have seasons, and even as they change from one to the other, from the prime of youth, and leave the freshness of spring to enter the dank, dreary, doldrums of winter, many of us still cling to the joy of spring, although the spring in your step is gone.
Instead of prancing up that flight of stairs with the jaunty bounce in your step, you now take a slow struggle, stopping at intervals to catch your breath. Sadly, you’re well past your prime.
It’s the natural progression of nature and is natural. But what’s unnatural is that many people fail to acknowledge or accept that they are way past their prime. We’ll see what ramification that has, right after these prime responses to what I had to say about ‘Rules for real men’.
Hi Tony,
Those rules, it seems, come naturally to strong men. However, as a strong man, I would want to have an equally strong woman by my side. I have never had quiche, but a French tart consisting of a pastry crust filled with savoury custard sounds quite appealing. I would like to eat my quiche and have it too.
Hey Teerob,
Are those rules only for real men, or for all men in general? What’s a real man anyway? One rule that I agree with is the one about never taking back a woman who left you for another man. I did that once, and it was the worst mistake of my adult life. A leopard never changes its spots, and after I foolishly took her back, I could immediately sense the disrespect coming from her. She eventually started seeing that man again behind my back. Stupid me.
Just the other day I looked in the mirror and realised that I no longer look like the man I used to be. Oh, I still cut a dash, still borderline handsome, still maintain the same weight for decades and don’t appear to be pop down or decrepit.
Even so, I don’t think that I exude the sex appeal that I used to have when I was in my 30s, and true, at six feet four and over 200 pounds, I can still hold my own.
But I’m a realist, and even though I look better than many men my age, let’s face it, I’m still past my prime. I don’t think that young women look at me and lust anymore. Yes, they used to, honest, they really did, but now I’m lucky if I get a second glance, maybe because of my height. I’m past my prime and know it.
In my prime martial arts days I used to kick ass and won many tournaments, but, wisely, I’ve long retired from competition. I still train hard and fight in class, but that tournament competitiveness is long gone.
I said all that to point out that no matter who you are or how good you used to be, there comes a time when you’re past your prime. The great Muhammad Ali was a shadow of a boxer when he passed his prime and got beaten by young upstarts. Even mighty Mike Tyson suffered the same fate when he got past his prime. You should acknowledge the winter of your time and that you’ve past your prime.
Try telling that to some men who still cling to the past like it’s a verification and vindication of what they used to be. They still hang around young girls, luring them with money and material things, for they have long passed the prime of their lives when young women found them attractive.
They are oblivious to the fact that they are way past their prime and simply refuse to believe or accept it. Their only attraction to young women is what they have — the fancy car and the bank account.
The harsh reality hits home when it comes to them getting physical though, for the body does not lie. Remember what I said about the body having seasons just like the climate. That’s why they call those involvements May/December relationships. Spring and winter are just not compatible.
In the same way that feared boxers Ali and Tyson lost their punching power when they passed their prime, it’s the same way that older men lose their thumping power too, if you know what I mean.
Of course, they can still perform sexually, but with a difference. If they would only accept that and go with the flow, then everything would be okay. But noooo, they want to re-live the glory days, the memories of what they used to do when they were 25 and getting it on, one time, two times, three times for the night.
Instead of having a leisurely enjoyable walk in the park, they want to do multiple sprints and ultimately mash down. Remember, a man at 79 who still does what he used to do at 29 wasn’t doing much at 29. Think about that for a minute. A three pack of condoms used to last him one night, now it lasts him three weeks.
Viagra, Cialis, or not, when you’re past your prime, you’ve passed your prime.
“Honey, don’t worry, I understand, you’re not the man you used to be.”
“Oh no, just like a mouse pon a two shilling bread, I won’t stop trying til I drop down dead.”
The fact that he used the word shilling just shows his age and how far past his prime he is. It was actor Clint Eastwood who, in one of his movies, said, “A man should know his limitations.”
As for me, if you must know, I’m blessed and give thanks every day for my good physical fortune until such time when the prime time eventually ends. Maybe it’s the martial arts training that contributes, combined with good genes.
What is equally sad is to see women who are past their prime and refuse to acknowledge it. It’s worse that seeing athletes who are way past their prime struggling to keep up on the track or on the field. That’s why they have master’s league for men way past their prime who still want to indulge in sport.
As great as Pele was, he wouldn’t last 10 minutes in a schoolboy Manning Cup football match. They play at a different pace. The same applies to women, and I’m sure that many of them won’t like to hear this, but when you’re past your prime, accept it.
Stop looking at young men and thinking that they want you for yourself and not for what you can offer them. In fact, stop looking at older men, too, for men your age don’t want women your age either, for you’re way past your prime.
When you see a woman way past her prime with a young man on her arm, driving her car, living in her house, you know exactly what he’s attracted to. That’s right, her money and her assets, not her mammaries and her butt, that have all gone south. I told you that the ladies wouldn’t like what I had to say, but I was equally frank with the men. The truth shall set you free.
Of course, there are some women who still look stunning, even though past their prime, but 23 is 23 and 63 is 63, and 63 isn’t a prime number. Twenty-three is.
It was actress Demi Moore who said, “I prefer to be a beautiful woman at my age than try desperately to look 30.” Point to note is that Demi Moore, although still beautiful, could not hold onto her much younger husband Ashton Kutcher, who left her and eventually married someone closer to his age.
Was it because she was past her prime?
“A woman has the age she deserves,” said Carol Channing.
Still, there’s no reason to throw in the towel or hang up the gloves and give up. Just remember that it’s no longer prime time.
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.”
Just know and accept when you’re past your prim, that’s all.
More time.
Footnote: The recent polls conducted by Don Anderson are most instructive, as the people gave their views, vox populi, the voice of the people. They say that the voice of the people is the voice of God. That voice should be heard, even though many might not like what they hear. What is clear is that Jamaicans are a resilient people, and even when faced with life’s challenges, we somehow still manage to put on a brave face, a cheerful smile and survive. It’s not only in sports and entertainment that we excel, but also in the resilience of the human spirit. One love to our people.