Physical benefits of exercise
Dear readers,
I believe in preventative medicine and promoting good lifestyle choices to prevent chronic illnesses. One lifestly choice which is a big part of my platform is promoting physical activity or exercise. Let’s go through some benefits of exercise to your physical health.
1. It helps to control your weight
2 It streghtens your muscles and bones by building bone density, which is crucial to preventing osteoporosis later in life
3.It helps prevent diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes
4. Regular exercise can help you live longer.
Now, exercise doesn’t have to be hard, expensive, or take up too much of your time. Do fun types of physical activities you like — whether it be walking, jogging or dancing. Aim to get in 30 minutes a day for five days in the week. So, let’s get moving today for your health.
Dr David Kerr is a general practitioner who cares for the holistic health and wellness of his patients. His tag line, “Obtaining, maintaining and restoring good health”, is at the centre of patient care. Contact information – Doctor’s office: Shop #2 , 50 Clock Tower Plaza, Kingston 10. Cell: (876) 502-1437; Landline: (876) 678-5215; E-mail:; Social media: IG: @drdavidkerr Youtube: Dr David Kerr; Facebook : @drdavidskerr; Tiktok: @ drdavidkerr