Completing your Consular Electronic Application
Q: I need to apply for my visa. How do I do that?
A: You will need to complete a DS-160 for a non-immigrant visa or a DS-260 for an immigrant visa. To do so, go to the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) to start your application. Click on the appropriate visa category. Select Jamaica, Kingston from the list for where you will be applying for your visa. You will start your application from this page, which will provide you with an application ID. Please record this ID in a safe and secure place.
Q: What kind of information will I need to provide in my application?
A: The CEAC has several sections: Personal; Passport; Work, Education, and Training; Address and Phone; Family; Travel and Travel Companion; US Contact; Previous US Travel; Security and Background; Location, Preparer, and Submission; and potentially others depending on the visa class for which you are applying.
You will need to provide your name exactly as it is written in your passport. You will have the option to provide other names you have used, such as maiden names. The application will guide you to provide biographical information such as your gender, marital status, date and place of birth, and nationality.
You will also need to provide information on your occupation — including location, supervisor’s information, description of duties, and salary information. Please pay attention to what the questions are asking (for example, do not provide your annual salary if the question asks for monthly). When your application is completed fully and accurately, the officer adjudicating your application can move smoothly and quickly through the interview.
You are required to provide information on your prior US travel and other international travel. You will need to know the dates of your prior US travel. Please estimate if actual dates are unknown.
Provide estimates or exact dates of your intended travel and location(s) to which you will travel. Do not skip questions and do not provide inaccurate or incomplete information in any section.
It is also crucial that you provide correct contact information. If the embassy has any questions about your application or needs to contact you regarding scheduling, it will need an up to date phone number and e-mail address to do so. Failure to provide correct contact information — and update your contact information if it changes — can result in your application timing out due to lack of contact. In such cases, you would have to start the application process over. You can update your information, check the status of your application, and view messages from the embassy on the CEAC website.
Q: Can I just complete the basic information since I’m in a rush?
A: It is very important that you fill out your application completely and truthfully.
As you sign your application, you attest that the information provided is true and complete. You are under oath during your interview. Failure to provide information on your application that you think might be negative (such as a prior visa refusal, overstays in the US, arrest history, etc), or failure to include complete information (such as work history and prior US travel) can profoundly affect adjudication of your visa. “Little” lies or omissions add up and can result in refusal of your visa application.
Q: What happens if I am refused under Section 221(g) or 212(a)(6)(C)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)?
A. Incomplete applications can result in visa refusal under Section 221(g) of the INA until you provide the necessary information. If your application was denied because documentation or information is missing, you should provide the missing documents or information as soon as possible. After submitting the documentation, your visa application can then be processed to conclusion to determine whether you qualify for a visa. You have one year from the date you were refused a visa to submit the additional information. Otherwise, if you do not provide the required additional information within one year, you must reapply for the visa and pay another application fee.
If you attempt to receive a visa or enter the United States by wilfully misrepresenting a material fact or committing fraud, you will be refused, or found ineligible, for a visa under section 212(a)(6)(C)(i) of the INA. This is a permanent ineligibility, so every time you apply for a visa, you will be found ineligible for this reason.
Q: What do I do if I have questions about my application?
A. For questions about your non-immigrant visa, contact For immigrant visas, contact Please remember that it may not be necessary to contact the embassy directly with questions regarding your visa application. Many common questions can also be answered by visiting the help section of the CSRA website at Our service provider is available to handle routine inquiries regarding the visa application process, how to pay the visa application fee, and assistance scheduling appointments. If your matter requires our attention, rest assured that they will forward the inquiry to us.
You can find more information about how to travel to the US on our website, Keep on top of embassy news on our Facebook page, and by following @USEmbassyJA on Twitter.
For safety and security reasons, the US Embassy asks that all individuals arrive at the embassy no more than 15 minutes before their designated appointment time.