Increase in the numbers of genuine fire calls in Jamaica – PIOJ
KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) received a total of 10,209 genuine fire calls for 2020, which is an increase of 131 relative to the previous year, according to the Planning Institute of Jamaica’s 2020 Economic and Social Survey.
The largest number of genuine fire calls occurred in Kingston and St Andrew (1,945), followed by St Catherine (1,672).
“Increases were recorded in seven parishes with Hanover showing the largest percentage change (96.5 per cent) followed by Westmoreland (75.8 per cent) and Portland (50.0 per cent),” the document said.
The survey further noted that a total of 1,796 persons were impacted by fire, 616 fewer than the previous year, representing a 25.5 per cent decrease. The number of deaths decreased from 35 to 31.
“There was a 48 per cent increase in the number of persons sustaining injuries while the number rendered homeless fell to 1,676 from 2,317. Civilian adults continued to account for most (71 per cent) of the affected population.,” the document said.
The survey added that children remained vulnerable to fires, accounting for three deaths, 10 per cent of the recorded deaths, and 17 injuries.
Meanwhile, the number of non-structural fires increased by 2.6 per cent and accounted for 85.7 per cent of the total fires reported.
“This increase was influenced largely by the occurrence of coal kiln fires which more than doubled to 21 as well as by a 35.8 per cent increase in the number of farms/cultivated land fires. In contrast, the number of structural fires (1,117) declined by 5.2 per cent,” the document said.
Annual changes in the number of bushfires were assessed against the volume of average annual rainfall and a strong correlation was observed. The survey pointed out that even though the country experienced wetter conditions, there was an increase in the number of bushfires.
“It is important to note that rainfall was not spread evenly throughout the year (see section on Climate). Bushfires were more prevalent in the parishes of St. Catherine (1,038), Kingston and St Andrew (684) and Manchester (661) which experienced drier conditions as indicated by drought indices from the Meteorological Service of Jamaica,” the document said.