Konnecting with Dean Nevers
HAVING developed a love for Hellshire fried fish from as early as the days when he used to move his library’s location from Tom Redcam Drive in Kingston to Hellshire beach in St Catherine to chill with friends, this week’s guest has proven to be a real techie who has pioneered the craft to develop a leading company in the field.
A trained pilot and boss of one of the country’s main telecommunications engineering service companies, he enjoys kicking back with his brothers to watch Formula One racing or playing Xbox games. For him, retirement only comes when he retires to bed at nights to get some rest in order to pick up on what was left off from the previous day so as to continue with what he loves. A proud ‘Fortis’ alumni who defines success as being able to smile about small accomplishments, Q1O this week connects with Dean Nevers, chief executive officer (CEO) of Konnexx Services Limited.
Q10. What was one of your most defining moments in life?
NEVERS: This involved two things for me, firstly, attending Kingston College and also getting my first child.
Q10. What were your experiences like growing up?
NEVERS: My growing up memories saw me cooking daily for the dogs, helping out in the kitchen; also getting caned and detention at school (for being late because a proper bus system was lacking for schoolchildren at that time). I also used to sneak out the house to go out with my friends and return home to a changed lock. I also remember, as a typical child growing up back then, when the Tom Redcam [library] address was moved to Port Royal and Hellshire beach, when I was supposed to be there studying.
Q10. What were you like in high school?
NEVERS: At Kingston College I was strategically involved in school clubs, which gave me the opportunity to be able to link with other students around Jamaica.
Q10. What are your success secrets?
NEVERS: Keeping in the know with what’s happening around me, and finding solutions using technology to create jobs while solving problems.
Q10. How do you spend your free time?
NEVERS: In my spare time I like playing Xbox games, researching new technologies and reading spiritual Awake! magazines.
Q10. What’s does your educational background look like?
NEVERS: I have studied in a number of areas, these include: telecom engineering, solar engineering, IT network engineering, aviation (multi-engine pilot rating), ethical hacker, project management, industrial security management and intelligence and investigations.
Q10. If you were a superhero, what powers would you want?
NEVERS: I would want powers to create a new technology in order to create more jobs for the people in need. Oh (smile), and also to be able to teleport and check in on my kids.
Q10. What one thing would a person have to possess in order to play your persona better than you?
NEVERS: That person would definitely have to possess a Dean Nevers square-shaped heart.
Q10. Outside of work, what other activities are you involved in?
NEVERS: I spend time outside of work and my personal life to help with developing ‘Konnectingminds’— an outreach programme geared towards helping youths to become exposed to new careers in technology.
Q10. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
NEVERS: Being more spiritually minded and still helping others through job creation; also, expanding the Konnexx operations across the Caribbean.
— Compiled by Kellaray Miles