Phillips names new senators
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Leader of the Opposition Dr Peter Phillips today named Opposition members of the Senate who will serve in the Upper House of the nation’s Parliament for the new legislative term.
Dr Phillips said the group reflects the People’s National Party’s commitment to a Senate that is a distinct deliberative body as intended by the Constitution of Jamaica. It does not, as a consequence, include any of the unsuccessful candidates in the recently held general elections, which has been a longstanding principle of the party, he said.
He said the Senate appointments bring together youth along with people of experience, and include a wide range of national stakeholders including workers, private sector, professionals, members of the academic community, and others.
It also seeks to ensure, within the numerical limits, effective representation for the various regions of the country, and gender balance, he said.
The Opposition Senators are:
1. Donna Scott-Mottley, attorney -at-law, will remain as Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate
2. Dr Floyd Morris, university lecturer and director of the Centre for Disability Studies at UWI
3. Sophia Fraser Binns, attorney-at-law
4. Damion Crawford, businessman
5. Norman Horne, businessman
6. Lambert Brown, trade unionist
7. Janice Allen, business development consultant
8. Gabriella Morris, communications specialist.