22 of our favourite childhood snacks
As children, any time we could dig into our lunch bags
and enjoy our favourite snack was the best part of our day. Yes, we indulge in
our gizzadas and grater cakes and such, but sometimes it was the store-bought
goodies that got us going and made us grin.
Oftentimes loaded with sugar or coated in our
dentists’ worst nightmare, all we knew was that it was delicious and made us
happy. We could share them with our friends if we wanted, and if not, simply
taunt them with “who beg nah get, and who nuh beg, nuh want”.
Take a walk down memory lane and check out some of our
favourite childhood treats:
1. Animal Crackers: You can walk the animals …and
then bite off their heads!
2. Policeman Button: You popped one in your mouth and
you were good to go
3. Jackass Corn: If your teeth were suspect, leave
them alone!
4. Cheez Krunchies: When you ate them, you found yourself humming
5. Chippies: The pre-Gilbert kind especially were to
die for.
6. Shirley biscuit: That biscuit with a cup of Milo
always hit the spot
7 Oreo: The younger generation believe in dunking this
in milk.
8. Ovaltine: The biscuit AND the drink sell off
9.Cheez Trix: A fave which is still widely popular
10.Cheez Stiks: You could always lick the salt off
your fingers when you were done
11. Rough Tops: So tasty, so filling.
12.Ringo: It was round, red and sweet.
13. Paradise Plum: It was tangy and sweet and the best
tasting sweet ever
14.Bustamante Backbone/Stagga Back. Some you could
sink your teeth into, others really were rigid
15. Ritz crackers: It came from ‘farin’ so we loved it
with cheese
16. Danish Cookie. Nothing created more excitement
than that big round tin!
17. Ping Pong: Nice caa done!
18. Butterkist: A sweet sandwich biscuit with the
cream in the centre
19. Cheers: Definitely something to cheer about
20. Catch: Everyone knows the long red nutty chocolate
bar especially because of the song
21. Nuggle: Can you still nibble a nuggle?
22. Smarties: All the colours of the rainbow and
chocolate to boot! We were in heaven!