Getthere Squad dominating the dance floor.
January 2, 2020
After 12: Christmas Day Cheers
The Burnt Savanna playfield in St Elizabeth was the perfect venue for Cheers 2019 — the Christmas Day bash staged by Cheers Promotion and King Ghetto. With music provided by a powerhouse lineup including Stone Love, King Ghetto Sound, Black Kolaz, Platinum UK Sound, and Infinity UK no one wanted to leave.
Before getting on with business at the mixing board, Stone Loveselectors (from left) Fire Rass, Randy Rich, and Gugu Mental, pausefor a group shot.
The dynamic duo Valentine(left) and Richie give thesession their approval.
Thomas secures his Magnumon entry to the dance.
Well dressed for the occasion are Tasha(left) and Abbie.
Promoter Cheers Boss is a happy man, and whynot, seeing that he’s with Shakay Simms (left) andTiandra Brooks.
With her Magnum in hand,Sasha is all smiles as she entersCheers.
Promoter Cheers Boss (right) hangs outwith his bro Quality Boss.
Muynchie (left) and Elise maketheir After 12 debut.
Kayliah opts for yellow.
DancerShelly Bellyputs on ashow
DHQ Poochie showspatrons how to reallymove.
Winsome (left) and Ameka are allset for the festive bash.