Rest well, Michael Fray
Dear Editor,
The Jamaica Olympic Association regrets the passing of Olympian Michael Fray in circumstances which remind us of our very mortality.
His achievements in athletics at the national and international levels are well known and, therefore, we wish to record the attributes which made him the patriot that he was and the self-sacrificing spirit he possessed that impelled him to voluntary service at various levels of the sport of track and field.
He gave selflessly to the sport he loved — track and field — and had an abiding faith in the fruition of talent of successive generations of athletes.
Never daunted by a challenge, he demonstrated mettle, resilience and fortitude in bewildering situations when many others would have admitted defeat.
The local Olympic movement mourns the death of one of its own but has good reason to celebrate a life that was devoted to the best in track and field and his beloved country. We join his family and friends in prayer and affirmation.
He sprinted in his early journey but is now at rest. Rest well, Michael. Rest peacefully in the splendour of the eternal light.
Christopher L Samuda
Jamaica Olympic Association