SO Jodi Henriques
A letter to my precious daughter,
Ever since you swirled in my tummy like a butterfly I knew you were special. Your daddy, big brother and I prayed for you.
As I anxiously anticipate your arrival I can’t help thinking about all that I want for my little girl.
My love for you will know no bounds. I will be your number one encourager, best friend and guide until my last breath and forever more.
Love patiently; heartbreak may come but the peace of true love is its own reward.
Stay humble and kind; find strength in all adversity for it will make you a stronger, wiser person.
Always be forgiving; this is an attribute of the strong — bitterness is the result of a weak unforgiving person.
Surround yourself with positive people who will challenge you to become your very best.
Trust your family, there are 7.5 billion people in the world; we’ve got your back. Levi will be your closest ally, love and trust him; the brother-sister bond is a priceless treasure.
It takes strength to remain silent but sometimes that is what we need to do. Remember, words are powerful things that can inspire or destroy. So learn to listen. You become what you think, do and say so be fair, disciplined and reliable. Happiness is a choice you make every day, my daughter. Don’t waste your time with regret over things past, but make good choices today.
Good manners and truth never go out of style no matter how much society changes. Be a person of integrity, read your Bible and stay close to God. He will be your guide.
Travel the world; it’s an amazing place. Eat cake and dance. Oh, my darling, I can’t wait to see you dress up and brush your hair. We have so much to talk about!
Mommy will always love you.
See you soon.